Beet Arthur

Right? Why 3 million? Was it a cannon made of gold? Cocaine? What?

Just burst out laughing at this! Thank you!

Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop

I feel like if you bought (stole) a t-shirt cannon and charged $30K, you could make it up in volume. Definitely include the glitter for that operation.

Maybe Johnny would rent you his cannon? He can’t need it EVERY day.

The devil cannot stand to be mocked.

Tonight when I heard this news, my mind immediately went to the Saturday Night Massacre. But things generally happened at a much slower pace back. It was more of a drawn out ordeal. It’s interesting to note that it was the Saturday Night Massacre that really spurred the calls for Nixon’s impeachment.

I referred to a couple guys as “hipsters” the other day and boy did they get upset. Apparently the politically correct term is “conjoined twins”.

Complaining about people who complain about hipsters? How hipster of you.

Shit, bi-weekly!

Annual Women’s March it is.

Just about any “Right to Life” March in DC for starters.

And many Trump voters probably only voted because his was the name on the GOP ticket. They hate the man, but a Republican Congress is better than a Democratic one in their minds.

Yes, this is an important thing to point out. I can’t even count how many of my friends and relatives traveled to DC yesterday from other parts of the country. And not just from other places on the east coast; they took overnight buses and actually used their vacation days to attend the march.

Wooooo Go Sportsball!!

Spencer did nazi that coming....

She and Martin Luther King Jr. were born the same year.

These are all excellent points. To add to it— I worked at a Holocaust museum where we had an exhibit on the Einsatzgrüppen (actually titled “Holocaust by Bullets”). A French priest was working on identifying and excavating archaeological sites to find mass graves and also relics of Jewish life in Eastern Europe. And

The irony is, most of the deception at the time was to prevent victims from realizing what was about to happen to them. From a description of the arrival site at Treblinka: