
Thank you! 1000x’s this. I deal with people all the time who are in this very situation. I had a client who had over $1200 a month in car payments. That was only two cars. One was a brand new loaded fusion they financed with zero down at $34,000. I pulled up autotrader and showed him 2012 models with platinum trim for

Like I said before if they could do an Africa Twin in a 500cc package and get the weight close to 350 I would be sold. 1000 is approaching Beemer pig territory.

My tool roll consists of 1 (one) AAA card.

Finger is on the trigger. That man should not be allowed in decent society.

17K for a bike that literally has no technological improvements on it at all. I just don’t get it. I can understand R&D costs being factored in, and more but come on. Cruisers are have repetitive tech with a few exceptions and asking 17k for this all the way upto 25k is a joke. You want a cruiser that’s cutting edge,

It’s also available with some white on it, and will set you back $25,699 versus the regular Breakout’s $18,799.

I think you grossly overestimate most people’s ability to make sound financial decisions.

Ha, no. From the people I know driving them they financed them for 7 years (or longer) and spend the majority of their take-home pay on the note. All just to have a fancy vehicle.

We’ve been looking at cars recently and are shocked by some of the vehicle prices. 50-75k for SUVs (we are in the market for about 1/3 that.) Anyhow, I told the wife that if I took $70k and bought a loaded Suburban, I could sell it for probably 30K in 5 years. If I invested it in a safe mutual fund, I’d probably have


I didn’t catch that this wasn’t Sean MacDonald until I was going to reply and say “wow for a guy who looked bored out of his skull when the Bosch guys were talking about the vvt on the Multistrada, this is a pretty technical write up.” and the fact that you didn’t us words like “stuff”, spinny things, eh, meh, nah or

Or save a bit of money at get the FZ-07. Sure, they don’t look as good as the Ducati’s, but who gives a fuck.

I’m betting they’ll have a system to adapt to other helmets, as it would be pretty easy to do so.

In order to maintain southern civility, the good state of North Carolina had all their charging stations (placed at rest stops along various interstates) removed. They had been installed under the previous (D) governor and the current (R) governor decided that they were “too costly” although the feds paid for them to

Get rid of car pool lanes and have a motorcycle lane so we don’t have to worry about cars killing us because they’re not paying attention to the road.

My curent family tree:

“Hi, I’m Andrew Collins, and I have DirecTV.”

Welcome! You can’t be worse than Wes Siler. So there’s that.

Glad to see you here! I’ve enjoyed your work so far and I love the way Lanesplitter has turned around. It’s great to see this site get some attention and it’s refreshing to see something other than super bike shoot outs and overzealous adv. bike praise (not that I don’t like adv. bikes, I just want to hear about other

But imagine if we lived in a world where boys and girls at least started out playing against each other as they go through adolescence. We don’t even routinely allow that. If we did, some women, maybe only a few, but some would be able to play at the top levels. We don’t even give girls that chance to try to keep