30. It was almost exactly 30 years—
30. It was almost exactly 30 years—
These commemorative Diana plates ain’t gonna sell themselves!
Unless you’re Wes Anderson, who I would imagine has the clout and the control on his sets to be able to tell someone like Norton to shut the fuck up and hit their marks.
Even middling Spoon is above-average rock. They’re almost as reliable as it gets.
Between Bring it On and Kung Fu Hustle, Bill Murray’s taste remains unimpeachable.
It’s still one of the all-time miracles. I think what sold the producers was Jackson’s sheer passion for the project - the guy walked in practically looking like a Hobbit in the first place, and when he left they had this feeling that if he couldn’t direct it, then no one should. Still, what a risk.
It’s like when a child watches another child have a fists-pounding, legs-kicking tantrum in the grocery store. They watch it with glassy eyes, and you hope they’re internalizing it - “Dear God, I sound/look like THAT when I lose it?” - but of course they don’t.
Who allowed this fucking piece of shit to come out of the greys?
She burst onto the scene very briefly a few years back with Lush Life, sounding exactly how a white Rihanna would sound. You’d think this would send her to the top of the charts forver, but for whatever reason she fell off and missed her moment. Hasn’t had a real hit single since.
Now this fad has spread to Left Twitter / TV writer Twitter / wannabe TV writer Twitter.
The “it’s not over” twist got my theater so good that one woman got up and left as soon as it became clear that Samara was going to walk through that TV.
The diminishing returns of that movie’s CGI goofery really takes the air out of the sails - particularly in Part II.
I don’t know why, but the example in my head was the Grumpy Cat movie
The Way Back worked for me, as far as earnest Affleck booze-related dramas are concerned. Not sure about this one though. Really, William Monahan did this one?
I was utterly gobsmacked when he declares his love for her at the end of Spectre. She felt like 30 years his junior, they barely know each other...it felt like right after that scene, Sam Mendes should have called “CUT” and everyone involved would group together in a boardroom to discuss what should be done with the…
She’s so incredibly good and it’s also no secret that MST3K leapfrogged in its riffing starting with Season 3 (hey, there are some lil gems in Season 2 too, but come on...Cave Dwellers, Pod People, it just gets so good so fast).
We’re a long way from the late 2000's and early 10's, when something like this would pop on YouTube and studios would think “hey, we’d get a ton of goodwill from greenlighting this.” Now they see it and know full well what kind of blowback tsunami to expect - social media is far more mobilized for tactical rage bombs.…
I suppose that’s the irony, it’s always them. Always! But still no one expects it.
In full agreement here. Ghostbusters is such a product of its time, and such a lucky, who’d-a-thunk success story, that the same cast and crew horribly messed up their own formula just a few years later.
There’s just such a sea change in the stunt work and CG-assisted set pieces once they hit the Brosnan era, and then another massive upgrade in slickness after that. The opening train chase in Skyfall is so bananas compared to anything in classic Bond that if you brought that 10 minutes back in time to the 60's,…