I mean, I’D love that, but a huge contingent of Jeopardy’s audience is strictly “get to the fucking trivia and stay out of its way,” and we all know Conan wouldn’t do that.
I mean, I’D love that, but a huge contingent of Jeopardy’s audience is strictly “get to the fucking trivia and stay out of its way,” and we all know Conan wouldn’t do that.
I have seen this fucking thumbnail from this fucking asshole crop up on my YouTube recommendations so many times. SO MANY TIMES. And then for work I had to rip some Star Wars stuff and that led me to finally watching this. It was everything I thought it would be. Borderline Plinkett-but-absolutely-serious shit.
I don’t care how many people I piss off with this hot take, I’m gonna do it:
Uh, count me in as one of the people who definitely felt like JGL went away for a bit.
He’s like Bryce Dallas Howard. Frustrating that we just seem to be getting remakes of famous actors starring in remakes of famous movies, but you still can’t deny a few of these lucky kids actually have the Goods.
Hmm, well, the OJ miniseries was pretty great, and maybe they can pull off the same trick here. Thing have changed so much that we’re not exactly going to be shocked by a show that says “turns out Bill Clinton is a massive fucking creep who frequently abused his power,” so I hope the post-script sequence for the final…
It’s been a minute, but I think in the looooong explanation towards the end of Us, the government is explicitly mentioned as being behind it all. And since they can’t even make up their minds on eviction moratoriums without deciding to bail for a fun summer holiday, expecting the government to concoct an entire [SPOILE…
You have every right to refuse. I just find it sad that airlines keep fucking us over with making every single little thing an expense, to the point that they’re now charging $50 to pick your seats or else haggle with people and make things awkward on the plane.
I’ll say this in Tarantino’s favor, although on the whole I have to agree the Coens are a cut above: He genuinely loves all his characters and you can feel it. The Coens are much more aloof about it, and every now and then they edge up to “these people are idiots, let’s watch them flail about and/or die for our…
“Blinding Lights” is one of those songs where I personally never heard it, not in a supermarket or on the radio or in anything pop-culture related, and then I check it out on YouTube and it somehow has 9 billion views and smashed records. Purely anecdotal, but it’s weird when you accidentally escape something that is…
A nuanced documentary would probably get into the catastrophic failures of neoliberalism as a whole, while conceding that Obama himself is just one person and a pretty damn smart and level-headed guy. But we don’t want that now, do we? He’s either a savior and the purest distillation of hope, or he’s even worse than…
Many years after the Segway debacle, and yet many years ago, I was standing on a street corner waiting to walk. Then I heard a loud whirring and the thumping of electronic dance music approaching rapidly. As I turned, I saw an absolutely jacked black guy in a bulletproof vest and camo pants, not just “riding” his…
Amazing choice of header photo here, especially regarding the news about DaBaby’s recent downfall.
As an American living in London, I’ve basically learned to just call it soccer. Because when I try to blend in and call it football, they all assume I’m talking about my own country’s heathen handball rugbysport.
Hanks has unquestionably been miscast before. But sometimes he’s made those miscastings interesting (Road to Perdition comes to mind).
He gave these permission free to be themselves and now we’re seeing them exercise that freedom. There are a lot of atrocious, terrible people in the world, and once you remove the barrier of shame and consequence, they fan out with their dead eyes and creepy smiles and start doin’ shit.
Genre-wise I think this can be true. I came of age during a time of extremely shitty rock, like the rap-metal, pop-punk era. So while I most certainly don’t listen to those bands anymore, I will seek out rock music from new bands in the hopes that I can recapture that feeling without the attendant bad vibes.
Verbinksi is such an odd duck of a director. He’s a visual stylist and action-stager very nearly at the caliber of Spielberg or George Miller. But no one calls him a master because he is so plainly at the mercy of his scripts in a way those other name directors haven’t been.
Didn’t really do it for me either. It had fewer moves than the sloppy stakes sketch, which is the other divisively long sketch from this season.