Beer, Titties and Left Turns

I partially expected this to be some type of white-shoe firm. I mean Goldberg Segalla is very well-respected in the states at least as an insurance firm, but they’re far from the buttoned-up white shoe or “magic circle” firm you’d expect this kind of overreaction from.

Your sarcastically saying you’re glad the commentariat didn’t rush to judgment, which clearly implies that you think the failure to pursue the prosecution somehow proves everyone who rushed to call Kane guilty is wrong. Again, the fact that she dropped the prosecution is no indication of whether Kane is guilty or not.

There was DNA under the victim’s fingernails. And experts have said that the lack of DNA elsewhere in the rape kit does not necessarily indicate that no rape occurred. So that plus her actions immediately following the alleged rape, by reporting it immediately and going to have a rape kit performed, that is enough for

Ben Roethlisberger, Kane and Jameis Winston all had other issues prior to and after their rape allegations indicating poor character and judgment.

DNA under the fingernails, and the victim’s behavior. She immediately called someone, went to the hospital and reported the matter to police. That’s not something false accusers generally do. And statistics show that false rape accusations are incredibly rare, in the single digits percentage-wise. So odds are he

I will take the opinion of a former sex crimes prosecutor over the opinion of some dude on the internet...thanks.

“The absence of DNA and semen, in itself, does not prove that there was no rape,” said Florina Altshiler, a Buffalo attorney who worked as a sex-crimes prosecutor in Alaska. “It proves that there was no ejaculation, or possibly, that the perpetrator wore a condom.”

Nice try buddy, but no. I feel just as strongly about Jameis Winston’s guilt. So go fuck yourself.

Yes, my conclusion is that, coupled with the totality of the circumstances, tells me he’s guilty.

You ever notice how these rape allegations don’t happen to “good guys”? It always happens to the Ben Roethlisberger’s and Patrick Kane’s and Jameis Winston’s of the world. Guys with other off-the-field issues. So yes, I feel comfortable in my opinion that Kane is guilty.

Stay classy pal.

I’m entitled to my opinion. And based on the totality, yes, I think he’s still guilty.

Yes, congratulations on pointing out the one modicum of protection we provide to victims of sexual assault.

The lack of DNA evidence means nothing. It means there was no ejaculation or that Kane wore a condom. It doesn’t mean there was no sexual assault.

Because the criminal justice process, having to rehash the traumatic event is brutal for a sexual assault victim. Countless victims drop their cases all the time for reasons that have nothing to do with guilt or innocence.

You’re the idiot sir. The rate of unreported sexual assaults, to say nothing of the rate of reported but dropped sexual assaults, is absolutely astounding. The fact that she dropped the case does not say ANYTHING about the guilt or innocence of Patrick Kane. If she really wanted money and money alone, she would have

His comment is essentially saying “See, all you commenters who thought Kane was guilty, you’re wrong.” I’m pointing out that, “no, we’re not wrong, because the fact that the accuser is not pursuing the matter is a far cry from proving Kane’s innocence.”

You’re an idiot. This is by no means an indication that Patrick Kane is guilty. Victims of sexual assault decline to cooperate with prosecutors investigators all the time, and it almost never has to do with the actual guilt of the alleged perpetrator. It’s almost always, as appears to be the case here, the stress of

Mourinho is basically the Jim Harbaugh of soccer managers. He’s got a brilliant mind for the game, and he’ll bring you some quick success, but he’s such a fucking asshole most of the time that he’s completely intolerable to players and management for more than a few years. I can’t wait for the AD at Michigan to come

Junior Mints and Mounds in the top-3?!?! What the fuck are you on Burneko?!?!