Beer, Titties and Left Turns

Yeah, that’s terrible. You would think you would want to create a greater penalty for fouls in late-game situations by having the clock re-start once the penalty is sorted out... It should go both ways though. An offense shouldn’t be able to trade 5 yards for a free TO in a late game situation when they’re trailing,

I’m a Giants fan. I called it mid-way through the Giants last drive that this was how it was going to end.

You’re an idiot, as others have astutely pointed out. Dude signed the PATRIOT ACT 4 days before throwing this pitch. Between that and sending thousands of innocent young men to their deaths, to say nothing of the pain inflcinflicted on the Iraqi people, no amount of patriotic speeches or perfect strikes could make up

A $200 trip to the champagne room at a clearly cheap strip club on Long Island...

Unless you really want to fuck over the federal government for it’s predatory student which case you’re fucked good sir.

Bruno Mars was a fantastic halftime show. He is an incredible showman, and the music is pretty damn good too.

I disagree. I would reckon Boras is more in the wrong. Though I see your point about both sides being partially wrong. My rationale is that while the Mets have a chance to win a WS this year if Harvey and their other pitchers stay healthy and on the mound every 5th day, the Mets ALSO have a strong incentive to KEEP

I can’t picture a set of circumstances under which the Giants withdrew the tender AND he got some huge contract. The Giants had no incentive to withdraw the tender unless it became clear he would never reach the old level of his game. Seeing as how he only lost 1 finger, and plays DE, not a skill position, that was

So I’m still trying to figure out what JPP’s upside was for the games he was playing. Did the just think the Giants were idiots and they’d blink first? They’ve held all the cards from day 1. And if he really will be ready “early in the season,” he should have let them examine him shortly after, and discuss it with his

So basically Deadspin’s position is every conference sucks, except the Pac-12, but the SEC is the least sucky of the non-Pac-12 conferences?

“...Europa League-quality club like Tottenham.”

That’s not even really “hard hit” it was off the end of the bat and really Castro just misplayed the hop. Definite error imho.

On a different note, what is a good Kings blog I can follow, cause this is going to be entertaining AF, whether Henderson makes the team or not (but I’m really pulling for it).

“and 2015 playing in Iraq.”

No. The amendment clearly and inextricably links gun ownership to militia membership. Not every person was in the militia, just the able bodied white men. It was understood for the first 150 years of the republic that gun “rights” such as they were, were tied only to militia membership. It’s right there in US v.

Amen brother. It’s an anachronism. On it’s very face it’s anachronistic. It’s from a time when we lacked a standing military and relied on a militia. It’s from a time when the worst type of arm was a fucking single shot musket. It’s absurd on its face that we’re still pretending this is an acceptable “right” to

Great take. Even better image.

Leverkeusen was 2nd in their Champions League group last year. And Roma finished 3rd in their Champions League group to Bayern & Man City, so no shame in that. BATE is a perennial Champions League participant as the powerhouse of the Belarusian league.

I don’t think anything is above a good joke. Including divorce. And I say this as a very recent divorcee. In fact, I’m not even technically a divorcee yet. And it’s absolutely been the hardest thing in my life. I tried calling my mom to tell her from a public park so I wouldn’t cry like a baby...I still cried harder

Am I missing somthing, wtf is that Chrissy Teigen tweet about?? Is that some type of stock market joke?