The only worthwhile thing anyone in the Ryan family has ever done.
The only worthwhile thing anyone in the Ryan family has ever done.
I wasn't estimating...I don't know very many people from the area (maybe 8-10 at most) and a half-dozen would fit that description...
I'm not even from the Boston area, but I know at least a half-dozen people from that area that would fit that description.
God I hope you don't teach grammar.
If that mouth breather Kevin Gilbride was trying to tell me how to play football, that's probably the same face I'd make.
Pretty interesting. For a second I thought we were going to get a boring view from the back of the pack...then he made his move and I got nauseous. Very interesting though.
Bears are so cute.
Also very true.
Certainly injuries have been a factor. The Giants can't draft a DB that doesn't have a major injury in his first few years in the league. Barnwell did a great piece about this on Grantland yesterday.
I wouldn't call RB a "glaring hole". We don't know what Wilson's capable of exactly. He's certainly talented, but even Barry Sanders would struggle behind this offensive line. Personally, I think the Giants needs, in order, are: OL, DB, LB and a DE that can complement JPP, cause Tuck doesn't have it anymore and JPP…
Makes me glad I have such a good relationship with my father-in-law.
I'm just glad I got my weekly masochism ritual out of the way before the weekend. Now I can have a nice, relaxing, enjoyable weekend.
100% interest is probably not illegal, just stupid. A lot of states don't have usury caps, which is why we have the payday loan industry, which charges something like 500% APR.
very nice. +1
And I have a new expression of excitement:
Wow. You mean to say that a publicly financed stadium is already having cost overruns and a shovel hasn't even hit the ground yet? And the ultimate party that will be paying for said overruns is the government and not the billionaire owner of the sports franchise that will derive almost all of the benefits from said…
Hey Tim Occhipinti: #sticktopolitics
So just to be clear, if there is an extended white block (say 10 games) that means a different player than from the previous game was slotted in that lineup spot every game during that stretch? Or does it mean that the player who ended the previous colored stretch was slotted into that spot for the entire length of…