How does a professional athlete blow up his knee from doing something that happens hundreds of times every day? A completely routine action (I refuse to call it a routine play, cause there was no play there).
How does a professional athlete blow up his knee from doing something that happens hundreds of times every day? A completely routine action (I refuse to call it a routine play, cause there was no play there).
I'm sorry, but a bus full of NFL players couldn't get better looking strippers??? I refuse to believe it.
Given McKinnie's love of vegetables that come in pods, I'm surprised he wasn't hoggin' "sweet pea" for himself.
Given McKinnie's love of vegetables that come in pods, I'm surprised he wasn't hoggin' "sweet pea" for himself.
Given McKinnie's love of vegetables that come in pods, I'm surprised he wasn't hoggin' "sweet pea" for himself.
Or to appropriate a a Marcellus Wallace phrase, that was pride fucking with him. And finally in the 85th minute he said "fuck pride". Exhaustion doesn't explain not doing something as simple as making yourself bigger. That's keeper 101. And he did the enerfy-sapping part by charging the ball, he forgot the easy part,…
Wait, I just saw the last goal, I'll correct myself. The keeper was CLEARLY in on the fix. I've never seen a keeper consciously try to make himself smaller like that. Impressive.
I'd be more embarrassed that we barely beat an El Salvadoran squad that was trying to let us win, but did you see that lineup?!?! That wasn't even the B-Squad...or the C-Squad...that was the D-Squad. Robbie Findley?!?! Are you SERIOUS?!?! Not to mention El Salvador's keeper was clearly not in on the fix.
Philly on Philly crime. The way it should be.
The position of the guy on his knees says no, but the facial expression says abso-fucking-lutely.
Piazza, Bagwell and Raines, imho.
I'm going to assume that talking to one's mother is second only to talking to one's wife on the list of top phone conversations to immediately precede a suicide.
"COLLUSION!!!" cried the NHL owners in unison.
Austin Massachusetts?
Always. The answer is anal is always the way to go provided you're in a loving, committed, heterosexual relationship and you have plenty of lubricant handy.
Nothing on his least fine moment, huh?…
Little known facts: German Chip Kelly plays a 3-2-5 formation and refuses to play possession football, even with a 3 goal lead in the second half.
God I hope the Giants sign Kerry Rhodes.
Well to each his own. I've never met a respectable man who takes softball seriously, or views it as anything more than a time to drink and have a little fun with his buddies.