Could do a Visla at RB too, they're not quite as fast but probably more agile.
Border Collie at QB obviously, they're the smartest. Probably a whippet or greyhound at RB. Mastiffs across the O-line. If you want speed and at WR stick with whippet's or greyhounds. For catching ability you'd have to go with more border collies or Australian shepherds at WR. For a little more heft, maybe a…
It's a battle royale between the 2 biggest scams in post-secondary education:
You'd think after 20 or so years of basketball he would know he was supposed to fake his opponent out of his shorts...
Come on Greg, you're better than that. If that's not preventing a goal or a clear-goal scoring opportunity, I'm not sure what is. The Match Director for FIFA that they keep trotting out on Fox Soccer even admitted it.
At least he'll always have his size to fall back on...
And don't mistake my statements for disrespect for the legal system. I have respect for the jury's decision, but I don't have to agree with it.
Because 6 lay-people with no legal training decided Zimmerman was not guilty? No, that does not change my opinion.
You'd be surprised how many anti-muslim bigots there are around these parts...it sucks, but 9/11 turned a lot of otherwise level-headed rational people into complete bigots. And I know a few. It's tough to blame them cause they were so affected by the tragedy (fathers, best friends, etc.), but it's a fact…
Not Picutred: License plate frame reading "My other ride is an 18-year old Asian Girl"
This is a valid point. He definitely would have came out immediately from a AAA game.
Should probably have a comma in there. 3 distinct items. I love beer, I love titties and I love left turns.
Jets fans are known for being level-headed and rational, so I'm sure they have no problems with this guy.
I smell a lot of Rubles being exchanged overseas.
I'm sorry...is there a reason why this wouldn't have occurred as he was trying to leg out a single in AAA yesterday?
Maybe the ratings are declining and profit margins are lagging because ESPN is still paying some executive (presumably with a boatload of cash) to come up with brilliant ideas like, such as, the network needs more Colin Cowherd on TV.
I guess I didn't really notice the logo last night. I mean at least that one is still a shield unlike the brutal 1994 logo.
I'll add:
I sure am glad they went back to the original logo. Those last 2 were hideous...this tifo really shows the contrast.