I don’t how I went 40 years before doing this, but now I can read a newspaper and say “Drunk. Drunk. She was drunk, too. That guy was probably high.”
I don’t how I went 40 years before doing this, but now I can read a newspaper and say “Drunk. Drunk. She was drunk, too. That guy was probably high.”
I’m with you regarding the respect of diversity of opinion and private property.
“Just eat right and exercise, duh!” people would cry if they had to eat as little as I do and work out as much as I do just to maintain. Then they’d get really fat.
I love getting called a “lazy whiner” after losing 75 pounds, being in the sacrosanct “healthy BMI range” and still being too fat for certain people because of some visible fat deposits.
“Lotta Lazy Whiners in This Thread” probably feels plenty good about herself already.
Man, I really need to catch up with this season.
Agreed. But apparently other people need occasional reminders that fit and healthy bodies sometimes carry a fat deposit or two.
Eat less, work out more, weigh less and still have saddlebags.
Every day I’m surprised by women who expect men to defend us from other men.
That’s the ProActiv manufacturers, correct? I can see that one being more lucrative than nail stickers.
There was a news item about hepatitis in local prisons and how expensive it is to treat. A DoTerra/Youngliving rep suggested essential oils. I tried to start a satirical thread about how that’s a great idea because it would be cheap and the prisoners would then die, saving the taxpayer even more money, but no one got…
I didn’t see the tag. Still got the joke.
See also my own income to spend as I see fit. How I see fit: Patron.
Does anybody know anyone who actually makes a decent living selling MLM products? Various family members of mine have been involved in a series of such schemes for as long as I can remember and it doesn’t seem to benefit them much, if at all. So I’m super skeptical and won’t even buy them because it seems like my…
I’ve got my own goddamn family trying to sell me some shake that they claim will cure my autoimmune disorder. I’d tell them to fuck off if they weren’t struggling financially. (Instead I cite my student loans and cry poor.)
The lock on my building door was REMOVED once. Just gone. And it wasn’t fixed for over a week. I called 311 and made a complaint but it was over two weeks before anyone inspected. And the super acted like I was a paranoid whiner when I bitched about it.
I read about a woman suing her landlord after she fell down the stairs while wearing high heels. So I’m guessing you can sue over non-existent security.
Random memory recovered: telling some millennials about the Kent State massacre. They’d never heard of it, which didn’t surprise me. I can’t tell you why I know about it when it happened before my birth but they didn’t. The surprising part came when one of them took over the schooling from me and got the facts wrong.…
As someone who never watched the show and has no interest in starting, I’m ready for this to not be all over the internet.
I let my Prime subscription lapse recently and didn’t miss it until I realized I can no longer watch Bosch.