
Are scouts outing two prospects?


I mean if he wanted to give the fans in the upper deck a ball without any repercussions, he could have just kept pitching.

Totally with you. He's not getting back at any "rich assholes." All he's doing is making stadiums have to enforce more ridiculous rules. So the next time some poor shmuck DOES have to run to get his baby a bottle and forgets his ticket. "Sorry pal, can't let you in."

I did this once. I mean my wife had to show her tits, but same principle.

I tried this at a Yankees game once, but found out that they don't let you bring your own bottles. And there was no way I was paying $12.00 for a bottle of breast milk inside.

Long sleeve shirt, never unbend the elbow. Now if you'll excuse me I need to not go to Red Lobster again.

No excuse. Legendary Stanford quarterback John Elway never got free meals from his school either, but you didn't see him going out and stealing apples, or bales of hay.

As a final "fuck you" to the NBA, Sterling plans on dying tomorrow.

According to a male student, "Ms. Smith" grabbed his journal and stopped him from talking to his friends as he walked into his third-period class.

Both inedible and inaccurate. Way too many brown people at a Cubs game.

If there's grass on the field, eat it.

Now that it's in the dumpster, Cubs' fans can finally have their cake and eat it too.

Seahawks cheerleaders recently won a similar lawsuit, convincing a judge that such regulations were a grossly inappropriate invasion of privacy and besides, the whole city of Seattle reeks of rotten fish anyway.

Could the Bengals bring in Hamilton as a kick return/trick play specialist? I mean, I could see the Reds being against because of the injury risk, but if it were to happen, would he be any good?

So we should avoid any jokes that involve subjects that might be read by someone who was potentially affected by something referenced in the joke?

Here's one too.

Very excited about Hamilton, but unless his ability to hit the ball improves, he'll be back in Louisville quicker than he runs the bases.

"Well, except for DeSean Jackson"

Maybe he just really hates sororities.