
Wow. Just wow.

I actually went to school with this guy and had a few few classes with him. Since depauw is such a small school, everybody knew everybody, and hed come over to my fraternity every once in a while since there were a lot of track runners in the house. He was always a really cool, down to earth guy and Its great to see

Seriously, leave Ken Bone alone! Garbage article.

Dude is enjoying his 15 minutes, and you decide to put him on blast for relatively innocuous comments?

It’s like every beehive they see, they gotta find a stick and poke it, and then they whine and cry and scream and bitch and moan about their bee stings for years afterward.

Looks like this week it will be the Bills quarterback who takes a knee.

Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.

Totally impartial observer of this game... Beckham needs to obviously find a way to cool it for the good of his team (and for that matter, it would likely also result in his personal performances improving, not being distracted and all). But I thought he had a legitimate gripe and thought the taunting penalty was

It’s not a jacket, it’s a robe, and I’m leaving the wizard hat on.

Not everyone works weekends Burke. Some people have lives outside of their job. People forget that.

I would really like to just fast forward 5 or 10 years so that I can get to the point when this shit starts being funny.

Wow. And to think I’ve erroneously called it ‘Cleveland’ for years.

DeAngelo Williams, Vince Williams and William Gay vs. Will Clarke, DeShawn Williams and Shawn Williams.

Man, that’s a good way to get yourself Siouxed.

Oklahoma was literally founded on the idea that you should be able to just take things away from Native Americans if you want it bad enough so I am not surprised.

Few classes of people in this world are as batshittedly convinced of their own influence and importance than college newspapers nerds and jesus fuck I miss that world so goddamn much I’m 32 and my DEEP AND IMPORTANT COLLEGE NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE made me a legal editor in a hidden kingdom of batshit crazy conservative

Wait, the punishment is not being allowed *in* Levi’s Stadium? You sure you heard him right?

(Pirate voice) #MRRRRRRSA

wasn’t there already a Browns emoji?

That’s not that bad compared to this archived footage of him last year: