
Hell, I can get you a bachelor’s degree by 3 o’clock this afternoon... with honors. These fucking profiting-off-amateurs.

Ben, my tiny, tiny dude. “Just behind Brandon Jennings, and ahead of Jared Dudley” isn’t doing the work you think it’s doing.

He kissed a boy goat on the mouth?

As a Browns fan I wasn’t really into drafting him.I wanted Darnold.I have never been so glad to have been wrong. 

Whoever runs that account knows his shit. Straight homicide.

Certainly better than the last story about a Cleveland quarterback drinking followed by a beating.

I’d though I’d seen every incarnation of bros doing stupid bro shit to drink a beer, but never have I seen someone start a shotgun by using their teeth. Holy shit.

I assure you, Draymond would have thrived in the “Dirty” NBA you’re describing. It would not have the effect you think it would.

I think what has really stunned Carmelo is not that Houston decided he was total butt—I have to believe that even he knows his skills have faded, and he didn’t really fit in Houston—but rather, that he is not getting the quan he believes he deserves (the Jerry McQuire kind, not the Rich Homie kind). He believes he

Thank God. One fewer talented kid will be fucked over by some dipshit family member siphoning off cash and fucking around pretending he knows what a contract is.

Best kind doesn’t mean perfect. I’ll take a person that can learn from being wrong any day over an unrepentant hypocrite.

It seems pretty ridiculous now, but there was an entire era before advanced stats became widespread where conventional wisdom was that anyone who scored 20+ ppg was elite, and if you were over 25 ppg, why, you were surely one of the very best of that era to play the game.

The story is weird. That said ... James is a prima donna asshole. He was when I tossed him from a junior high game in Akron. He is now. I wish I had gotten the state championship game when he was a senior ... he should’ve been tossed for taunting in that one too. The adoration that people have for this jackass is

The Cavs got Jordan? 

Your logic is sound and accurate in most scenarios in which logic can be applied.

Crying from misery after winning the Championship seems like a very Cleveland thing to do

On the other hand, he explained it and *I* still don’t get it.

Soon we’ll hear that Randle “was powerfully passionate about representing his country,” but might have left his oven on and really should go check on it.

I think if Yugoslavia could form a team, they could beat this roster.

I stepped on a crack and now my mother is a paraplegic and we can't put her in a home because of the opioid addiction and the fact that she cheats at cards.