
This will sound like a broke record but this is Exhibit Number 732,524 of why a player of this caliber should never step foot on a playing surface that does not pay for performance. The sheer amount of money made on this event and Zion, Cam, RJ, Cody, Tre and the others don’t see a dime of it. The man’s career could

Why does he defend like that?  There was another video of him playing basketball like Quasimodo on Red Bull.  Is he doing it for laughs or genuinely trying to play basketball?  

It’s a good thing they got rid of the tumbler with the (frozen) envelopes, the draft lottery would be a snuff film.

As bad as this is for Nike, this was a far worse look for them:

Somehow he’s shorter than the logos behind him.

I didn’t say it was.  You seem to be downplaying the Russian interference as only minor, but it clearly got to both the campaign and journalists which seems like something not to downplay unless you’re cool with outside interference in our elections.

I always thought he looked as though he just let out a wet fart and couldn’t tell whether or not he shit his pants.

Sure, it’s not like his people met with russians about dirt on their political enemy or anything...

Mueller could release an actual video of Trump blowing Putin in a Russian hotel while being peed on by hookers and the GOP would STILL claim that he was being a true patriot by cleaning up another one of Obama’s messes and had to do it for the good of the nation.

I think in the end if this produces enough evidence to convict Roger Stone, along with what the convictions/guilty please they have already produced. Plus throw in the bonus of maybe an indictment of Don Jr, Jared or Ivanka, that will go along way to solidifying the democrats in congress to continue looking into Trump

love the irony of an asshole who always looks like he’s staring off at something mildly interesting in the distance getting hit by something he did NOT see coming.

im all for bringing up the salary of the “journalists” by the guests. This is great. 

Here in Russia we have a whole system set up. I work in front of something like 25 computers all logged in to slowly drive you crazy. I get bonuses for harassing women and people of color.  Fucking loser.  

I have no faith in anything anymore. The release will result in the worst possible thing. That thing is no thing...nothing. Literally nothing will happen. Here - let me summarize what I anticipate the report to say:

There are a ton of action son which a chamber can vote to impeach, like lying to the FBI for starters.

I don’t know that it’s impatience so much as frustration that Trump is still president this whole time, and there are things he’s done in this time that can’t be easily undone.

Yeah I mean it’s not like a bunch of people haven’t already gone to jail and/or flipped.

Hopefully there is a great deal of substance to this whole affair