Can we trade this to Trump for the presidency?
Can we trade this to Trump for the presidency?
would rather watch a pickup game at the Y— guys who really respect the game. The only people remotely trying were Embiid and occasionally Westbrook.
The game turned when Team Lebron realized leaving Westbrook open to gun threes was a winning strategy.
Recession on the way
Tyranny by minority guarantees the GOP holds the Senate and thus the Supreme Court for at least a generation if not longer. It’s written in the Constitution.
Trump lost by three million votes in a system built on tyranny by minority, and only then with the help of Russia. He was installed, not elected.
People forget we would not be a country if not for the French winning the Revolutionary War
Also, if we’re that vulnerable to Russia playing us on the grandest of stages, where else are the little red fingers probing?
when the center-right looks progressive and liberal, we’re all truly in a bad place
Won’t someone think of the licensing and real estate deals?
He also paid the girlfriend in cash
chris beard has a beard
that makes the coach’s asshatting even worse
I think they ARE better without Kyrie. 9-2 this year. EC finals last year. I would’ve traded him and picks for AD.
bet it won’t keep him out of the all-star game but it will then “flare up” the next day
Shameless move to escape the grays. I like it.
Personally I’d want to see who got Zion. That’s better than anything offered so far.
Tebow files grievance that his faith kept him out of Satan’s league
He’s getting millions a year from Nike as a direct result of not having a job.
the only problem is this hideous suit jorts and jumpers that players wear, as well as Westbrook’s entire wardrobe