
Pratt’s gotten on my nerves since the second season of Parks and Rec

Plus he thinks he’s an actor

Nuke every character from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

How can they decide “not to make available” to the cops an accused felon?

except odds are low he’d be able to get back up. I wince every time he hobbles around.

The headline should be “Why Does Cuban Hate Dirk So Much?

rose will have to get in line

Lebron’s beards are always the ones who pay

NBA drama is way more entertaining than the on-court product.

Millions? I’ll bet he signed for league minimum.

A rookie QB expected to start soon will make far more in endorsement dollars than most major leaguers will in a lifetime.

Should’ve traded him for Davis

Which players plan to play long term for any team? Stars are bailing one to two years early on their contracts now.

Rich Paul approves of the tampering

And Bron’s 66 percent

like you little pellet gun has a chance against your government’s drones, tanks, and ballistic missiles

My guess is it would be like the lungs of smokers, on a scale ranging from terminal lung cancer to just some scarred specks of black crud, depending on how long you smoked and your individual constitution, as well as other factors such as filtered or not, what brand, other environmental factors, etc.

Is your will really free if information is deliberately withheld from you so you can’t make a fully free choice? 

AD willingly signed a five-year contract that still holds for 18 months, and Pels fans bought tickets expecting he would play. Other than that, no reason to expect him to play.

Yeah, it’s weird they are carrying water for a guy not quitting in the middle of a contract.