Wei-wu-wei is a good one. It's a guiding principle of Taoism. I have a "wu wei" tattoo (at least I'm hoping it doesn't actually say "leftover hound" or something like that. I've heard wei-wu-wei translated as "action without action."
Wei-wu-wei is a good one. It's a guiding principle of Taoism. I have a "wu wei" tattoo (at least I'm hoping it doesn't actually say "leftover hound" or something like that. I've heard wei-wu-wei translated as "action without action."
You're tighter, you probably won't start sticking after a year of normal use, you're sure to be quieter, you're black, etc.
You would.
Wrong! The game is shit.
Scarlett Johansson in "an heroic" role.
I only need to be attractive to one woman, and my wife loves a good beard. Can't hurt if people think I look classier or like I'll kick their ass. Also, my nephews seem to like the beard, so I've god kids on my side, too.
Le Car!
But the fact that humans still have the vestigial organ means that they had it too. Unless they only had the anchor, and then the sac evolved afterward, then became obsolete and useless since then (certainly not the case). Or we can assume that the organ was vestigial even back then, which is just as presumptive as…
inb4 shitstorm.
You missed my point, but ok:
Using this post as an excuse to bash PETA, not to mention the reach you had to make to do it, makes you guys sound mad foolish. Just saying.
The title of this article is the absolute truth.
I actually said "Holy shit" out loud at work as I read the word "Blackwater"
I've got eight bucks says at least two people complain about the title being NSFW.
"Playboy?" Please, let's keep this SFW.
I don't know which is more entertaining, the row between UR and douchestomer, or between commentors and ass.
The Advantage.
Oh, I see I'm not the only one. Not by a longshot.