
Yeah, our border collie wouldn't touch that loaf with a 10-foot pole. It's pure folly. Her style was to, say, nuzzle open the bread wrapper and only take a couple of slices, leaving the rest looking untouched. Same with donut boxes: Open it in place, remove a donut, close it. Or platters of grilled burgers; just

Actually, sounds like an interesting use of 40 bucks to me if it's any good.

Seems to me that a "No CPR" tattoo is about as far from a political statement as possible, pretty much on par with deciding whether or not to get an abortion.

Haven't watched the vid yet, but gonna guess Italian Job/MacGyver for the extra credit. Although MacGyver isn't a movie. Hmm.


The part of the Russian experiments that resulted in very docile foxes involved very, VERY selective breeding: Lineage of the most docile from every litter. The control line was every bit as wild and aggressive — if not moreso — 30 generations later.

Magazine sales. Publicity. And pure evil.

Ugh. Never mind. I felt icky reading what I wrote. Deleted and gettin' out of here!

You could go a little off-topic in the comments and toss your own question out there. I'll bet you'd get an honest reply or two.

As long as they don't let the Dateline NBC crew anywhere near the set, they'll be fine.

Heh. Never noticed!

Also, just look at the thing.

I like the limousine-esque rear door entry and leg room.

'Cause they're not made in Chicago?

I am seriously considering breaking my "no new cars" motto and grabbing a 9C3 Caprice. I can't completely explain the compulsion, but dammit, I think I really want one.

As long as they keep their distance.

Forget the Corvettes, didja get a load of that Vega?

Suzuki still won't bring the Jimny back over here, and they'd sell like crazy.

Chris Duncan, eh?