
Pretty sure there was one of these in the glovebox of my '86 Cimarron.

You're wrong. Accept it, embrace it, own it, and grow.


I tellya, I'd sure as hell like one.

Exactly. Well, maybe, and exactly.

You could get a Tesla Model S.....where, exactly?

I'm gonna start writing Torch fanfic.

D-Type with wings. You're onto something there.



Ohferchrissake. What's "for the rest of his life" for this kid? 6 months? I predict he finds a way to flame out by the time he'd be 20, max.


Oops. You beat me to it.

I dearly love the Mustang, but the Spitfire's prettier.

I'ma letchu finish, but...

Torchinsky may not be half the woman Murilee was, but I'll be damned if posts like this don't take me back to the good ol' days.

Yup. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

If baseball is any indication, it's gonna be in Spanish.

Yeah yeah, I get that. The headline is funny.

Damn, Orlove. What's up your butt today?