Heh. Now that you mention it..
Heh. Now that you mention it..
Don't you ever change. Ever.
Does nobody just leave banana peels or cheeseburgers under rude drivers' windshield wipers anymore?
Maybe if you weren't such a cheapskate somebody would've caught the typo before printing.
THIS! This is news I can use!
Let alone toys and boxes!
Did you hear that? That was the sound of something great flying right over your head.
Would you name it..... Nurple?
That's how it reads to me, too.
Heh. Otto. Don't think we don't see what you did there. Otto enthusiasm, indeed.
Wednesdays are martini night for me. Run a few miles with the dog, then pop in to the local cajun place for dirties with Tabasco. I try to stay away from electronic communication devices and the internet after that.
You've probably figured it all out by now, but he said "continental United States".
Yep, those are the states we're talking about alright.
That was soooooo close to the perfect crime!
If the idea of reading GR's mind didn't scare the crap outta me, I'd say that was my assumption, too. But I'm not inclined to go into his head. It's scary in there.
"You probably can't get any farther away from Florida, and still be in the continental United States, than Seattle Washington..."
Ain't that the truth.