Pretty sure that's a Labro, dude.
Pretty sure that's a Labro, dude.
Hummers as icebreakers?
I love this post.
For a world-class programmer, he doesn't seem to have much of a handle on real-world programming.
Note to self: When listing my favorite of drmrsjamescole's attributes, stop at 6.
"Great sense of humor", "makes interesting conversation", "witty" were 3 of the first 6 that came to his mind, ferchrissake. I'd be pretty happy with a list like that written re me (girly-part aspects notwithstanding..). You think somebody would do you better? Do tell!
Opinions? Opinions are for the weak! That's why I only deal in Truth and Fact. And maybe the occasional Lie.
It doesn't? How can you be so sure? You haven't actually seen it....have you?
Further, anyone who thinks the Axelrods and Roves of the world actually think the ad was pro-Obama or pro-Republican is demonstrating exactly the "I'll believe anything they say" attitude that keeps these schmucks powerful. They don't actually believe this shit, it's just the spin they're putting on the event for…
Eh, I've had worse days at work. Hell, I've had worse days than that in volunteer situations.
That's what she said.
Right. So she'll do a study on the studies.
It sure as hell worked on me.
The fact that people want stuff like this enough to line up before the store opens baffles me way more than this guy's actions. I guess this is why I'm not a buyer for Target.
Sideboob! Woohoo!
Shall I just assume that ass Liam Neeson ate some lizards to help him get into the zone?
Actually, I think it's about a 20% chance that each of his multiple granddaughters will be the victim of a rape.
Italian cars? Yes. Absolutely, yes.
I assume you activated your CMDL prototype while you were staring at the txting-while-driving-er.
Pretty sure that's a Lambrodor, dude.