


Like a breath of fresh air, isn't it.

That would have been hilarious.

I thought Yahoo Personals was discontinued a couple years ago. How old is this stuff?

And what, you were disappointed?

You just made me re-read (yet again...) her magnum opus.

What the.... Where the hell have you been?

Well, I guess ENGAGE is better than Z-GAUGE or T-GAUGE. So he's got that going for him. Which is nice.

She doesn't always make the movies sound good. Often she makes them sound like the drivel they are. But she's always dead on.

I liked it. In addition to the can-survive-indefinitely Twinkies, there should have also been an old cheeseburger on the dashboard and maybe some cockroaches.


In autodom, that's an almost universal truth. 1967 was a very, very good year. Way back in the old days of Jalopnik, we had an in depth discussion on "the best year ever for automotive design" or somesuch. 1967 had a lot of support. I don't recall what year won.

I haven't been back to Giz since (this reply notwithstanding). In the old days they'd piss me off and start my mini-boycotts by doing something like celebrating the catapulting a live animal 50 yards into a tree of sharp sticks. Nowadays it's this unholy, indefensible bullshit.

I freaking love the originality. The price, however.... No.

That is an interesting detail.

That photo is totally different when you don't crop out the 47 Japanese guys.

Ted Kennedy did almost that exact same thing!

Look, I don't want to fight. Can we just agree to agree?

Too long. Remember, these rules are here to protect us. Or something.