It's been getting worse. Add-on for the browser make it fine on the laptop but if I'm lounging with the wife and cat, i wanna use the phone. It's... sub-optimal.
It's been getting worse. Add-on for the browser make it fine on the laptop but if I'm lounging with the wife and cat, i wanna use the phone. It's... sub-optimal.
is all I have to say on the matter.
Looks like Kinja did some tinkering and increased the banner ad size. The ads used to cover over half of my 800-line 12 inch tablet. Now these ads are covering over half of my 1080-line 17 inch laptop monitor - with a longer delay.
Easy. This took 20 seconds.
I’m not the first to say it, but these articles are why I come to Jalopnik. Also, I just can’t stop laughing at the outboard motor!
I’ll piggy back off your excellent point: Why the fuck was this poor guy in jail for 3 months? It was an overdue rental that Hertz had back after the arrest. He didn’t carjack someone. Making him spend that long in jail, during a goddamn pandemic, for a non-violent crime was unconscionable.
Yeah, I’m not letting the cops off this easy. Hertz sucks by wrongly putting them in pursuit but they chose to draw their guns.
“You lose the roof, eliminating its ability to carry tall things”
Really the myth is that all seasons aren’t fine in the winter. For all but like, 5% of the country, they are. All season in 2021 are totally different than the ones that weren’t sufficient in the cold 30 years ago.
The one guy who was thrown clear of a wreck and walked away unscathed as his car burst into flames has a lot of nephews.
Biggest myth I encounter is that the left lane is for passing only.
I have an education and some professional experience as a historian, and one of the major internal conflicts about history I always had was related to things like this.
That doppelgänger is fully restored and clean as a whistle. The $4.3K extra for the doppel is WELL worth it. As long as doppel is on the market, this tired, lumpy and in-need-of-lots-of-hard-to-find-piecesparts is a strong ND.
Years ago I had to replace the exterior temp sensor on my 91 Grand Wagoneer, so the plastic front bits had to come off. I stood back and this is what I saw.
If one’s a manual and one’s an auto, it goes to the manual. If both MT, it’s a toss-up. If both auto, I’d probably go for the TSX wagon.
You know what they say -- better insu-late than never.
President Biden: Hey Fran, did you hear about that idiot Torchinsky and his stupid cheap Chinese electric golf cart thing? Finally broke down on him! Stranded his ugly little ass!
“God damn it, not another Changli post.”
Pretty hilarious that you would frame second gear in that way since last time I looked, our side doesn’t whine and then attack the nation’s capital in defense of their crooked leader...
I will forever defend the Columbus movies. They’re faithful adaptations that don’t do much more (partially because the kid actors just haven’t come into their own, and also because the source material hadn’t yet matured past basic kid’s fantasy as well), but the thing they do that the back half of the film series just…