Beer-light Guidance

That is really well drawn for a kindergartener!

+50 yards

How does this not have red wheels?

I think it is more likely that she killed him for where he was putting the hand you can’t see in the picture.

Are you trying to get this place sued again?

The idea of this vehicle is way, way, cooler than the reality of it.

Which reminds me that I haven’t played Mad Libs in a while.

Sure they look great, but who the heck knows how to operate them? Do they pull out?  Do you have to push them in? Maybe you have to spin them? Actually, I bet they slide or have a joystick functionality.  All this this confusion could be avoided with just some simple graphics showing how they move.

I had to suffer through some really shitty cars early on because it was all I could afford. 

They forgot to include the photo credit

Wow!  That hurts to look at!

It is an interesting question that got me to thinking about how I have made that decision with my cars and the answer for the most part is I haven’t. Here is the rundown of the fates of my cars:

We’re going to call him on that but let him get away with “very unique?”

Rob is pretty down on the styling of this generation of Z4 but it still looks miles better than the current one.

And all of that is before you get to the amazing interior.  The rear seats in particular just speak to me.

Why on earth would you ever clamp a ham to your dashboard? Everyone knows that they belong strapped to your bumper.

I had a similar experience when my TDI Sportwagen was totaled. It was in the middle period where the buy back had been announced, the settlement amount had been determined, but cars were not actually being taken back yet. My insurance company offered me an amount based on what they saw for comps for sale, but I was

Pao’ll be back

Like some others that people have mentioned it is iconic but objectively terrible: Citroen 2CV