booplesnoot is one hoopy frood

The comments are SO weird to me. A wedding doesn’t have to be an EVENT. It can just be a happy celebration. The dinosaur didn’t steal the entire thing. Did people look at the Dino? Fuck yeah. But that doesn’t take anything away from two people promising to love each other.

Weddings are absolutely ridiculous. I appreciate it’s someone taking the piss out of them. My sister would know what I was doing and tell me if I could or couldn’t. As for my friends, they know the type of person I am and cannot be trusted with this kind of freedom. 

Just remember, don’t drive like my brother. 

So no men voting on abortion rights? That’s Fair.

They want to ban tactical nuclear weapons, but HAVE THEY EVER EVEN DEPLOYED ONE?!

In a universe of astonishingly bone-headed comments by Trump, this is a corker. In congratulating Poland on the anniversary of their being invaded and starved and having 1.5 million of her people kidnapped and sent to concentration camps or conscripted into service of the Nazis or just murdered outright, Trump has

Can’t we just put them into Debtor’s prisons and put them back into Wal-Mart and Amazon on work release programs? Just cut out all the middlemen and predatory apps.

Brian Kemp, known white supremacist, and racist has ordered mandatory evacuations for the white population only. He won’t care what happens to POC or their homes, as long as thousands of them suffer and maybe stops them voting. Well, the ones he hasn’t stopped up til now. 

The few images I’ve seen out of the Bahamas have been horrific. Keeping my fingers crossed that this fucker weakens.

+1 good boy. Thank you for the work you do, and you’re right - this absolutely should not be happening to otherwise healthy, able men in their prime. It’s getting harder and harder to stomach and support players developing brain damage for our entertainment.

Gotta love the irony of Republican politicians using the government to sustain shitty unprofitable companies while crying about socialism. 

The thing that really keeps me up at night is that we are NOT living in that Star Trek episode “The Inner Light.” Our planet is not irrevocably doomed by outside forces that we cannot oppose. We are being doomed by greed heads who, like Trump, literally cannot conceive of why anyone would take notice of the welfare

100% agreed. We need candidates that are willing to make these kinds of projects and regulations a high priority, as I think we’ve all seen how important getting the ball rolling on alleviating climate change from the bottom up is.

I have a border collie who I’ve trained up to be a dementia dog and so we’re in long-term care homes four times a week working with people who are cascading down to the final stages of dementia. Neither one of us had any experience with the elderly, let alone people who were physically fragile and with the kind of

The answer is easy, stop/remove all investments from energy companies that are not pushing boundaries of future energy development. Incentivize people to get rid of petroleum based fueled cars and go hybrid/electric. Even EV cars that rely on fossil fuel power plans (which, sidenote; lets get real, build more

I am so sorry you are going through this. I just lost my mother to Alzheimer’s and it is a hell of a thing. It is a harsh and infuriating disease and it robs you of your loved ones in a maddeningly gradual and then frighteningly accelerated way. My mother went from not remembering how to play certain card games, to

Incredible song. It just gets richer and richer with age. 

Such a great song

Now playing

Even though this is from the 80's - seems to fit our current administration to a T.

I honestly would have been more surprised if he had attended the meeting.