booplesnoot is one hoopy frood

I’m having trouble getting upset about this, unless the folks int he media have even fewer balls than they have already shown. That seems unlikely.

It’s about time we had an ordinary, average guy as President.

but he is the chosen one

Using his logic, Target has stolen tens of thousands of dollars from me over the year. They have NEVER bought anything from me! There’s yuge trade deficit with Target! Now, I’ve put on a 25% tariff from everything I buy from Target. That’ll show me!

OK, if anyone was waiting for the climate crisis to barf up a short-term emergency situation, this is it. Brazil exports three easily-boycott-able items: Chicken meat, Coffee, and beef. Everybody stop buying these thing immediately. We have paid Brazil a billion dollars a year for years and years in exchange for

Does anyone really think that Bolsonaro is really going to allocate the proper resources to fight this?

When the subject of banning shark fin importation into Canada has come up in the past, interested parties have opposed it on the grounds of “racism”.

The wiping out of an entire ethnicity isn’t not genocide simply because the people doing it are only in it for the profit instead of some kind of racial animus. Entire unique cultures are being destroyed by land speculation and deforestation. They aren't any less dead because the people doing it just want money.

This is genocide.

If you want to help, boycott Brazilian meat and others agricultural products, especially soy. Now that Europe is making economic pressure, Bolsonaro is changing his tune. But he and his supporters don’t really care if native people die or to maintain the rainforest, both are blocking the progress to make the Amazon in

Think of all the cancer research that could’ve been funded if he was ever taxed appropriately. 

TLDR up here because I know that will be your only first fucking go to: Yea he died, I hope his goddamn brother kicks off shortly too. The assholes are straight up evil and no amount of softsoaping them will ever erase what they and their fucking father did to harm the country and the world with their outright Ayn

Nah, Cunts dead. It’s a good thing. 

He has also doomed billions to a rising climate that will lead to hundreds of millions of deaths, displaced refugees, and other strife for generations to come. But, I guess he did create a few thousand low paying jobs and funded cancer research after he was diagnosed with cancer. Totally outweighs how he helped doom

Well that’s one down on my list of deaths that I would find satisfactory. 

You feed the poor they call you a saint, you ask why there are poor they call you a communist.”

Wow, first Missy drops a new album and now this guy’s dead? This has been a pretty solid birthday so far.