
Me no likey ads that make us wait to read the story. WTF? Monetization is one thing, completely interrupting the experience is another entirely.

What really makes me mad is the throngs of people mindlessly applauding a parade of fucking MISSILES. Hopeless morons.

That's hilarious, hadn't seen that one yet.

This would make sense, except that a Republican introduced the bill. Come to think of it, all of the major privacy violating bills are introduced by Republicans.

The "smooth motion" setting on my Aquos TV makes everything look like a mexican soap opera. It's so, so bad I can't believe filmmakers are even considering it, especially PJ.

The entire board is either A: venture capitalists who earned their seat at the table through direct financial investment in Facebook, or B: CEOs/Entrepreneurs who have the experience to help guide this type of company.


I don't buy ANY of the arguments suggesting that Apple couldn't do what this article describes. The world economy is horrible, and Obama/congress (and any future president) would absolutely work with them to make it happen. After all, it's not just about jobs - it's taxes, local economy benefits, education and our

People keep comparing what these domain trolls do to something like real estate. I hate to break it to you, but there's no comparison to be made:


This is such a sweet deal, I signed up the second I heard about it.

I don't think the 40% off deal applies to people with educational or govt. licenses.

I nominate Hillman Curtis, one of the first people to actually push for design discipline on the internet (and who incidentally just died a few days ago).

deleted. never mind

Really entertaining article, Sam!

Wondering where the author got the 10-week trial timeline. The Washington Post article says 8 weeks, but more importantly I though much of the pre-trial madness revolved around the judge's insistence that the trial only be 2 weeks long. What changed?

Hell yes! If you don't like the match you've been given, you're going against God. You don't think God gives refunds, do you?

There probably hasn't even been 17,000 tv series produced since the dawn of television so I don't get the confusion here.

You really don't even need a "smartphone" to do those things. If the goal is for Windows Phone to be at all competitive with other smartphone platforms, especially in the younger demos, MS really must step it up quickly or go home.

Agreed - Spotify are among the laziest developers of all time. Their desktop app sucks, the Android app isn't any better, there's still no iPad app and, for all the money and hoopla, they can't see fit to fix these things? These apps ARE spotify - the underlying service is useless if the apps don't work and they