
If it was a manufacturing flaw such that it required new hardware, the RIGHT thing to do would have been a recall with replaced hardware. Not adding a giant, horrific dongle that reduces/impedes functionality.

After years of support, I am inches away from bailing on Android entirely. Google has done a decent job with it but man, their hardware partners are a bunch of fucking imbeciles bent on ruining the platform through utter incompetence and their lack of basic common sense. And as if that weren't bad enough, the

About 15 miles south of SF on the coast, we got hammered with dime to quarter-sized hail for about an hour. Sure this is par for the course in places like Texas, but in SF? Crazy.

How is this misleading? Did anyone REALLY think they meant 17,000 different programs, each with a full deck of episodes?

This guy should be banned from the arts. Permanently.

Maybe I'm just a cynic (hint: I am) but it seems like any phone with a paltry 400x800 resolution is flat-out DOA in this new world of HD screens and "retina" displays. Any consumer that looks at several devices in the store won't be able to help but notice the lower resolution of this phone, and will probably not want

Man this phone looks sweet, and as an Android user I welcome WP7 - the more the merrier I say.

Every American should be celebrating right now. This is the first big positive step toward labor parity and, hopefully, less jobs being shipped overseas. I realize that much of the electronics we enjoy are being built in China for other reasons (supply chain etc.) but still, this is a great victory for laborers

"Yes, but they have economic freedom"

As a kickstarter funder, I think the article makes a really good point. Wild Kickstarter successes are getting more and more publicity, and now everyone and their dog is trying to get some easy cash through the service. The signal-to-noise ratio is getting worse every day as a result.

Why not? They've already tried to kill our pets with melamine, kill our children with lead painted toys and kill us all with chemically tainted drywall. Spying on us is downright civil by comparison.

Google still comes out on top of that deal by something like $500M, plus they get the mind-share which is arguably more valuable.

"when you say google mobile products, do you count ad revenue from apps? which only google market apps utilize, since ios apps use iAds."

The "designer" obviously didn't think this through - having the keyboard end up on the bottom facing down means every key would be getting pressed when you set it down. Durrrr.

I'm not going to say you're wrong here, but like others have mentioned Gizmodo is rife with alcohol references, NSFW material and swearing. This isn't a site for kids, and parents need to do their job and keep their kids on sites tailored for that audience.

Carriers and hardware manufacturers don't take updates seriously, because they've already sold you the device and locked you into a 2-year contract. What incentive do they have?

The carriers and manufacturers are almost ENTIRELY TO BLAME HERE. They delay new OS releases (if they ever release them at all) to stuff them full of shit and smear their branded layer of smegma over the interface. Very few people actually LIKE the shit they pile on top on Android, and intensely hate having to wait

The other night I was streaming a TV Show to my iPad3 with it plugged in, and it just held at the same charge percentage over the course of an hour. My original iPad will definitely increase charge while doing this same activity, I've done it a million times.

I have a really hard time feeling sympathy for anyone involved. If you could be "encouraged" to hack people's accounts and steal their credit card info, you probably belong in prison.

I'm hoping so.