
I do not read comic books and I do not go to the "Marvel" comic book movies for the most part. (Loved The First Ironman and DC's The Ant?). I have been watching AOS since it started. I like this story line. It is clever and fun. I get a kick out of Grant Ward being back in the game too.
My favorite comic book based

I love this show. It brings me to tears at least once an episode. Louie Anderson is amazing. As is Zach.
I do not even think of him as "playing/acting" the two brothers. I am watching two different characters.
I hope they keep the Ken /Christine relationship too. It is lovely. This show is very good with details. Ken

"Political uncertainty" is all from the left and your freaking riots and "resistance". Leave the politics out of your reviews.

That was a very nice finale. It was pretty moving with Shirley. I also agree Brooke seemed a little petty and bitchy at times. That live finale where she lost was the worst ever so I wanted her to win too. I am glad she did. I think she earned it.

Let the haters and insanity of the left continue. You all seem to be having such a good time with it.
God forbid if 1/8 of what the left does to President Trump was ever said about Barry.

I know! :(

I thought they did a pretty good job wrapping it up. I liked it.
The cybermart plots were always the note of discord.

Elegant? Hardly. Entertainment is now political propaganda. Much entertainment now has the goal to indoctrinate instead of entertaining.

You are right. They are selfish and rude and hard to watch. But they are something that does not bore me. Such good acting I think. I do wish the family was not so self centered. All of them!

Since there is nothing on during the Olympics, I am watching Colombo. I always loved this show, but I am impressed even more watching them 20 years later. So well done and clever. And fun too.

Just watched this episode again on Netflix after all these years, and your review was spot on. What a great show this was. I was a huge fan the first time and now I am watching it again finally for a second time on Netflix. It makes even more sense when you can binge watch it!

This show has lost it this season. It is a mess. I rarely quit watching a show I liked before it ends a season, but I am done with this one. There is no one to root for or care about and it is actually painful to watch the show. I am out. Bye Unreal.

That was an A finale. Many gems in there. What a great reset for season 4. I am looking forward to it.

That ain't going to happen. They are spoiled rotten.

I know! I liked him. I have never even heard of this before. Slow news day?

I agree. The Depp version was creepy to me. Gene Wilder was off putting too, but I like that version much better.

You obviously have not read some of their bat shit crazy interviews and what those two egocentric kids say and think of themselves. The hate is well deserved.

I have been a faithful fan from day one. Love this show. For some reason this finale did not move me or feel very satisfing to me. I had no expcections or idea of what they would do for the final show, but they talked soooo much and it just fell flat for me. Also I found it distracting that Root was the voice of the

Interesting. I liked the intro and I have no interest in Truman Capote so I would of never seen these films. Thanks

Big Head will lose his money now because of his NDA, and then Erlich will be stuck with him and sharing what ever he has with him. Does Erlich have anything of value? I thought this was a great episode. It has been interesting to read the different website reviews, some think it was great and others not so much. Same