
This did feel like a finale and it was good. I was bummed they killed Kendal. I like that actress in other shows from the UK I watch. She was good with that part. I was sure they were going to shoot Cosima too. The writers felt fearless in this episode.

Good point. Show us the Grandparents.

It would be nice to see his mother get handed her smug head on a plate. I agree.

I thought the more meaningful parts, were the Penny and Leonard's mom. When his Mom was talking about interviewing brilliant couples and wanted to talk to Amy and Bernadette and verbalized who they are and what they do. It made me realize, Penny is the star of the group in many ways, yet she is the least on paper

Agree. They need to stop with new clones and let us enjoy the ones they have.

Very true, and she started out as a selfish bi-tch who left her daughter to be raised by her foster mom and I think she is still very much a part of that character.

Donnie is my favorite character now. Sarah is starting to get on my nerves. She is so self centered.
I hope they do make Ferdinand a reformed bad boy. I like that actor. I forgot I cannot eat a meal while watching this show! Yuck. Just like you cannot eat and watch Bones either. :)

So sorry Matthew… :)

We laughed so hard at that one. That kid was perfect.

after watching them do their riff, funky cold medina about 10 times while laughing…

If you saw my computer and how many shows pile up on there… whoops I mean my legal TV…lol

I rarely watch any TV show twice. I usually end up watching Brooklyn Nine Nine at least 3 times before I delete it. It just cracks me up. There are so many great lines and jokes.
The cast is stellar and the writers deserve an Emmy. Please give the an Emmy. Not many shows make me laugh out loud, maybe a chuckle, but

It is part of the whole Neolution cult thing. They alter their bodies in as many outrageous ways as possible.

It was relief to see the show making some sense again. They let their ideas run too wild last year. It was like everyone got to have all their ideas in that season. It lost impact.
I love this show and I am pleased they look like they knew they needed a reboot and to get back to basics. I found this episode more

I liked seeing Chip start to have some success with his rodeo clowning. I do not want to see him as always bitter and mean and a total loser. I hope they go a bit more with some success, however small for him. Also it actually brought tears to my eyes when he told the twins his mom loves them and she does not like him

I agree Zach is good. When he plays his brother I really feel like it is a different person.

I am so impressed with Louie Anderson. He is bringing it as the Mom. I hope he wins an award. This show is such an odd show but I like it.

You are correct on all fronts, but I still enjoyed this one too. It was a weak murder plot.

I thought that too. That actress did a great job making us like her in two minutes. Kudos to her.