Don’t worry. President Trump will build a (fire)wall to keep us out, eh?
It boggles the mind.
What are you talking about? This is the best thing, ever.
He gives every used car salesman and part-time janitor that they, too, can one day be an NFL head coach!
Super Bowl
And the forced, up-sized NYTime-ish font. Ugh.
The OCD is strong in this one. 6 or 7 “practice” hikes? OK.
What’s wrong with that guy? Didn’t he see Eight Men Out? GIVE SHOELESS JOE HIS RIGHTFUL PLACE IN THE HALL!
Plot twist: this is the trailer for Fallout 5.
Yes, handling knives and frying with oil on a hot stove while being “totally obliterated” could never end poorly. #DARWINFTW
Seriously, much time did you spend curating this? Weeks, months maybe? Jesus.
Marginal hockey fan here: cities that cannot produce natural ice during the winter season have no business hosting a hockey club. Sorry Dallas, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Anaheim, anywhere in Florida, Carolina, etc. All you do is dilute the talent pool for every other team in the league, which makes for an inferior product…
It’s a nice, heartfelt post. I feel it could use some more Skyline® Cincinnati Chili, though.
I hope this video gets one billion hits.
Plot twist: It’s actually AI.
if you’re into that kind of thing, there’s an alternative.
Spousal abuse, pffft. At least she hasn’t tweeted a dick pic, right?