
I recommend a pair—partly as they are very social, and partly because they sleep in a mass of furry cuddles and it melts the heart. My two both made it to 8 before dying. RIP The Senator and Gibby.

Ferret? That's a cat snake.

#NotAllFerrets, okay?

In case no one has posted this yet and for those who need comfort:

If you don't want anyone to hear you poop, do what I do. Bring an idling chainsaw into the stall with you.

Setting: Easter of 88 family dinner table. Pan shot of too many people cramming into table. Cut to me trying to scoot back from table to get seconds. Cue ominous music. Watch my big ass 80's hair get too close to candle and POOF! Hair on fire. Damn Aqua Net.

When she was spinning upside down I was totally afraid her hair was gonna get stuck in the chair wheels. Because that would totally happen to me.

This is totally fun, but did anyone else come close to a panic attack when she was standing on the spinning chair on the balcony? Errrrk.

I beg to differ. Jen's comment was not only necessary but *deeply tasteful*.

I once had an "Actor" show up to a date still wearing lipstick from his job (singing carols at a christmas market...nice acting, broham) and then proceed to criticize me for wearing too much makeup. He also said "Your pictures didn't suggest you'd be fat" and I was like "I literally have a full body shot on okcupid.

Fact: My current boyfriend, also white, on our first date...I saw a man walk by with dreadlocks and this exchange occurred.

Me: [unable to hide overexaggerated grimace]
Him: What?
Me: Oh, sorry, it's just a white guy with dreadlocks walked by.
Him: What's wrong with that?
Me: Well, besides that hairstyle looking invariably

They didn't give women the vote, WE PAID THE IRON PRICE!

My boyfriend when I was 19, who was white, decided that dreadlocks expressed who he really was. I broke up with him the next day.

I once went out with a guy who said he was a writer, and since I'm also a writer, I asked who some of his favorite authors were. He said,

Well, there is no known cure for gaybies.


Poor guy is going to have to spend his golden years relaxing in his mansion rather than in a jail cell where he belongs. Yes, we all just feel awful about it.

It's actually about ethics in video game journalism.