
It gets better but if you have that mentality on any game, you should immediately stop playing it because you are clearly wasting your time.

They did nothing the developer didn’t intend when they created this character, blame the developer if you need to blame someone.

Ah yes, no better way to hide the glaring imperfections of Joe Biden then with an over sized, towering version of himself. What could go wrong.

Hey, take it up with McDonalds, I didn’t cook them.

I see you learned nothing from Frankenstein.

They taste exactly like the sauce that is being dipped to and that is it. I like a nug but they are one of the more depressing foods.

It seems like they probably made it over here because of people eating them and the larvae, so i’m going to have to give a hearty FUCK YOU to all the selfish idiots who just have to eat larvae.

Hell yes. There was a schnitzel place by my high school during senior year, aptly named Schnitzel, and at my worst I ate it three times a day.

I just bought killer7 and Star Wars Episode 1 Racer, so YEAH i’m doing alright.

Stop freaking out, a simple google search would have sufficed.

No, it’s coming to both, separately. It’s only “exclusive” to Epic store in that other third party stores won’t have it immediately.

If they are only vaguely erotic, they are not doing Giger right.

If anything Black Flag is the only entry that didn’t really make me feel anything.

How is regurgitating Fox News thinking for yourself and not drinking the kool aid? Just another side of the coin, stop being dumb, please.

Yeah, it was definitely dragging along on my last play through, when you are nearing the end but still are bombarded with rescue missions or supply raids.

They do have upgrades for doing damage even when you miss, as well as upgrades that make it very easy to get a 100 percent chance hit if you put yourself in the right postition. By the end of my last Xcom 2 game I was barely missing any shots.

Gamepass is my only salvation during quarantine.

I’ve played close to one hundred hours and they are far from worthless, we could have different definitions of quickly though.

That’s fine, most people don’t get bothered when people like other things or don’t like other things. 

Very glad lad we are still relying on polls to make us feel safe.