
This. Not a single one of those players will still be with the Raiders in 18 months, so it doesn’t matter what they think.

And...there in a nutshell is everything you need to know about attending a National Football League contest.

So she’s saying she objects to the heroic ideal of “believing in something even if it means sacrificing everything”. Something like that is usually followed by “Did I say that out loud?”.

Just one question: when do the Bears play the Raiders? I would pay good money to see that. 

Flu shot hype is 100% about a $24 billion industry and you people are all demonstrably buying into it without checking out any of the facts.

In spite of vaccine availability, some people still get the flu. Major contributing factors are: 1) the vaccine is not 100% effective and 2) Not everybody gets the vaccine. Jumping from that to conclude that people should not get the vaccine is bewilderingly foolish.

The vaccines are chosen by a statistical method that maximizes their effectiveness. If by “bullshit” you mean: it successfully reduces the spread of influenza, then that’s an odd definition of bullshit.

This is honestly the crux of the problem white Americans have been claiming native ancestry to get special treatment for decades and it’s bullshit.

I think the Chargers are now attempting to avoid any criticism for moving to LA by bending their entire organization towards achieving the goal of becoming the most pathetic excuse for an NFL team humanly possible.

In fairness to the Canucks, that was at the end of Gretzky’s career.

I can only imagine the awkward sidelong glances the assistant coaches shared at that moment.

Football is a game of deception. It’s often more important that you run a play the defense doesn’t expect than it is to run a play at which you are particularly good at executing. There’s even a good case to be made for calling plays mostly randomly. Consquently, these monday morning second guesses are almost always po

Seeing basketball players in uniform away from the court makes me realize they are basically dressed in underwear.

That’s a horrible “no mans land” to be in when the joke doesn’t land. Do you go forward and try it again, this time appending a labored explanation? The best you can hope for in that situation is a painful pity laugh in response to the repeated joke. Or, do you retreat with a muttered “nevermind” and don’t repeat it?

Or, maybe it has everything to do with: Nolan Ryan and Randy Johnson were active those years :).

That makes no sense. There’s too much risk getting injured in practice. Plus the Steelers could use that as proof he’s faking the injury. Instead, show up November 13 and say “I’m injured and can’t practice or play”.

I, like everyone else born in Buffalo in the the months of October and November, owe my very existence to this fact. 

Thanks to the NFL, Marroon 5 has a new motto: “Hey, at least we’re inoffensive “. 

Starting a message with Umm can be considered snarky, but on the other hand beginning with Hmmm I think conveys that you gave some thought to the matter before replying.

An unfair act is a penalty? Do I really need to explain to the NCAA that life is unfair?