Beelzebub's Advocate

As a queer woman, I’m kinda scratching my head trying to figure out what you were offended by? His explanation of historical fact? Straight white feminists have, as a group, historically not always been friendly to women of color, queer women, and trans women. That’s truth.

Yesterday was a year since my Mom passed, a friends father died yesterday, another friend’s significant other died this week. It’s been a rough fuckin’ week. I feel like everything I’ve experienced lately has been tinged with pain, and it sucks. I sincerely send my condolences to everyone else experiencing the pain of

I have seen first hand that people will defend rapists and child molesters, even after they’ve confessed, because (and this is just a theory) I don’t think that they can or want to accept that their own judgement of a person might be so far off.

And put dirt and pine needles inside of her.

My first ex husband threatened to give my dog away if I didn’t come back. I came back. The next time I left he didn’t threaten anything, he just had her put to sleep.

Honestly, no matter how prepared you think you are, you’re not. Not really. My Dad had been sick for a few years before he died, cancer and emphysema and ulcers, he was under 100lbs when he died. He died in his sleep in the car when I was 12, we were taking him to the hospital because he said he felt funny but he

Aren’t there print magazines out there for you folks? Popular mechanics has an online edition even. It’s moderately annoying to go to the comments hoping to read something pertaining to the article, and the top comments are complaints about the choice of language in a headline on a kinja based page. Your high school

My Mother, a grown woman who lived til her 80's, believed that virgins couldn’t use tampons. I did eventually get her to buy them for me, but I honestly think she just “accepted” that I was probably having sex, rather than accept that she was just wrong about tampons. And I was having sex.

I don’t even know if I’m grey anymore, that’s how long it’s been.

Does s.e. hinton count?

Because people are awful. Awful. Seeing another human being and thinking “they’re a person just like me” apparently works better if you photoshop your face onto theirs.

Excuse me sir, but have you taken the antler off of Max yet?

Perspective that would be gained quickly if they got off the beltline on the wrong off ramp.

I love Madison, but fuck are you ever right there. I chose to raise my kids elsewhere so they could have a more realistic idea of what life is like.

Been there more times than I can count, but one way or the other it always gets better eventually, you have to give it a chance. Be well and give it time. When my first marriage imploded, my ex took my daughter from me. She was only a year old. It’s been a long and tough experience but it’s gotten better, and it can

Totally curious now as to which one.

The only thing I don’t like: I already own two of the original Kids’ editions. They cost more, and don’t have as many features, and they’re smaller, etc. One of them is less than a month old. What the shit, amazon. Can I smash them with a hammer and get the new version? I’ll even eat the hundred dollar difference

The tiniest window.

Keep doing it and your snatch will tighten up. Bam, I just saved you 10k.