
England doesn’t have blue in their flag.


Except they kept pronouncing it “hoor” and nobody knew what the fuck they were saying.

Republicans are corrupt as shit too, they just didn’t have their e-mails hacked and released.... yet.

Then my hopes and dreams will again grow lofty enough for them to shit the bed in the playoffs and bring me crashing back to this god forsaken earth.

No. Purple slacks are NOT optional. If he’s gonna fight Spidey, he’s gotta be dressed for it.

Listen, if they wanted to know specifics about how things were run the person they should be talking to is the Specific Manager.

That makes no sense. They refute him having said things he said on camera all the time. It doesn’t matter.

Rumor is that Manning whispered “Your clavicle is weak and dumb,” into McDavid’s ear at some point during the game, which is what set him off.

To anyone thinking about going to the gym after reading this article, but you’re afraid of what others will think of you, just remember, you may be the fattest most out of shape person in the building, but you’re much better off than all the people sitting at home!

It would be much funnier if we weren’t going to get sucked down with them.

Oscar Isaac and Eva Green.

Bebe Neuwirth or nothing.

I thought Deadspin would be excited about the decision. Finally an American sports team is going to reuse an old Arena.

He didn’t attend his grandfather’s funeral—the same grandfather he once called before every game.

Hi. White male here. Also raised in the burbs. Been pulled over many times and have been extended every courtesy. Most of the time the cops have called me sir and let me off with a warning. Also most times I had weed in my car. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a cop with his hand on his weapon before.

Not legal. He just refused to report the cancelling of debt and hoped he wouldn’t be audited. That’s like you stealing a car and hoping the police don’t catch you.

So, again, he used a tax strategy that is (was) legal. To pay less taxes.

This complicates how we look at what led to his death, but doesn’t lessen the tragedy of his death, doesn’t devalue the loss felt by his family, friends, Miami and the Cuban-American community.