
Knightboat was too good for this world.

Saw it for the first time last weekend. Love it. Don’t watch the trailer. It gives too much away. It is 99% comedy. There is very little if any horror in there. But gore. Lots of gore.

Rooftop ball-hockey with all the Monday to Thursday CW characters or GTFO.

You would think this national embarrassment would lead to no one ever hiring a Brazilian pool boy again, but my stay at home wife STILL thinks Gabriel is just irreplaceable. sheesh.

With no job he’ll have to switch to “Fop”.

“Why this place is a damn geographical anomaly! Two weeks from everything!”

He found it too hard to coach with 2 rings stuffed in his ears. The problem only got worse after keeping the Jack Adams trophy shoved up his ass

He should try for the Vegas job. Roy is beloved in that town.

Fron the looks of that pic, I’ll bet the final break was due to the team cutting back his supply of Dapper Dan.

The Gang Gets Caught Doping

Family Circus and Marmaduke are two of the worst things in human history, non-murder/war division.

Once golf starts using trained birds to drop the balls into the hole, then you can start comparing it to dressage.

Any time I read these stories, I think: how big was this fucking giant’s bladder? Two cases of tall boys on a car ride? How was the urine removed? Was he pissing in bottles? Then I think: I wonder how thick Andre’s cock was. If his finger to penis size ratio was normal, can you imagine the size of that HAWG?!

It’s good he didn’t return to quaffing Brain & Nerve Tonic or that hat would never have fit.

Please, please, for the love of Odin, Beta Ray Bill.

I dunno. I’m uncomfortable with the idea of a whole universe having more than 40 people in it. It’s scary and unfamiliar. Why can’t they just give me more of the same story over and over again?

Fightin round the world!

Hell even Neelix had Kess, and he’s the Star Trek equivalent of Jar Jar.

The new Batman book is not very good. Read the Vision instead.

I doubt it was even so singular a decision as Paramount making the call. From comments made by other people/groups related to the film or the Ghost in the Shell franchise... the only people who thought a Japanese actor was the “only good/right decision” are entitled white Americans on Tumblr.