
Hope you can get help for your anger issues. They're obviously stunting your thought processes. Since you are one of those people who refuses to learn and grow, there is no sense in replying to any more of your nonsense.

Annie Hall, or any of Woody Allen's other early films in which he played the lead. Also, as I said above, men are not qualified to determine what is and isn't sexism. Stop spouting your opinions off long enough to actually learn something.

So only those women you designate as eligible to do so can protest a double standard?

Sexism is: women being asked to dress in a sexy way for many/most auditions while men are only asked to show their bodies if they're auditioning for something like Magic Mike. The double standard is sexist.

I saw the first four eps online and didn't get the impression that producer actually drugged the woman, although clearly she manipulated the situation in a very callous way. I thought the worst person on the show was Rachel's mother who apparently ignores all ethical boundaries in order to act as psychiatrist to both

I thought Peggy's sister adopted the child. Wasn't there a scene a few seasons ago when Peggy interacted with the little boy at her sister's house? Or am I confused?

Did becoming a zombie alter her hair style and color? Or did she cut and bleach it because she thought that was a more appropriate undead look?

The first episode of the show was better than I expected, but 4 episodes in, it's beginning to feel like absurd proof of TV's lack of diversity. Seriously, all the survivors all white and hetero? No people of color, no LGBT? It's interesting they cast January Jones because the image of female characters as motivated

"A couple of times" is not the same as receiving street harassment on a daily basis from early teens onward. You're playing that game, closely related to mansplaining, of trying to find tiny exceptions to contradict everything women state about our experiences.

A trans man is likely to have experienced street harassment before transitioning, so wouldn't inflict it on others. They don't have the sense of entitlement which is behind catcalling or behind questions like yours which refuse to acknowledge that women know more about this subject than you.

Where did you read that about the Borden case? I never came across that theory.

Since you have not been the target of this form of harassment, you are not the best qualified person to speak about it. Rich douches in expensive cars yell things at me on the street just as often as men emerging from the subway. Also, the fact that you personally observe a phenomenon less frequently doesn't mean it

Cat calling unfortunately is a behavior which stretches across many demographics. I've had men of all races and all income levels yell rude things at me on the street. The only common denominators are gender and sexual orientation —I've only ever observed this particular form of rudeness from cis men.

I like this show. It reminds me (in a good way) of shows I watched growing up like Forever Knight and Highlander. Plus, the protagonist makes nice eye-candy.

I liked this week's episode, although I did think it was ridiculous when the carnival wesen drove off at the end with Max in a cage on a flatbed trailer. Seems like you would draw a lot of attention from the police driving anywhere with someone caged up on your truck. What would you say if you were stopped? Seems like

I thought Piven was a decent comedy actor back in the 90s when he was in Ellen and when he played George in the show-within-a-show on Seinfeld.

Actually there's strong evidence that ASD does not occur more frequently in males, it is just that has been under diagnosed in girls, many of whom are not diagnosed until they are adults. This has to do with the fact that the condition has been largely defined in terms of how it presents in men/boys.

You forgot a 4th category: men trying to hide their bald spots.

Apparently hats are her thing—she's wearing another one in the photo used on her IMDb profile.

Are we watching the same show? The series seems singularly lacking in sex to me. I can understand Mary being a bit gun-shy (so to speak) after her first time ended with her partner's death, but there ought to be some occasion for the other characters to indulge in more than chaste flirtation.