Baber K. Khan

get out.

This is such a great snapshot of why old-new-Top Gear was so loved by all: back and forth between the hosts, quick wit and ignoring car rules.

“My grandfather, father, and brother all served in the Air Force. I have bad eyes and a bum ear, so I got into blogging instead.”

Freddy “Thesaurish” Hernandez

hey man, don’t hate. New wheels are expensive and those old Toyota leather wheels stick to your hands like those sticky gummy hand toys.

This SUV is vulgar, pointless, and offensive to look at. I cannot wait to pick one up for $45k in 7 years.

Sure, but it’s not about being good enough to win fights. It’s about being so good that nobody wants to pick a fight with you in the first place.

Meanwhile, if this had been Mary Barra, you’d write an article about what a bunch of out of touch shitheads GM are and how stupid they are for alienating potential customers. Then Reddit would make the story go viral, and GM would be inundated with Twitter and email harassment until they kowtowed and gave the guy a

I'd rather buy a BMW hooned by Clarkson than a Camaro driven by a Jalopnik employee

A military is a conveyor belt of people coming in and out. You have to have a constant inflow of new people like a jet engine takes in air. You have to plant the seed early so that people consider a military career later. I watched both the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds when I was a kid, and it set the ramp for a

An excellent point. Remarkably, this website states “Drive Free Or Die”, yet, most commenters seem to be in favor of autonomous cars. Their rationale is as naive as their pro-autonomy stance is ironic. That is to say, a lot of commenters actually believe that the government will allow Jalops to whiz by autonomous

Coming soon to a fascist dump (e.g. Virginia, Florida) near you.

They seem worried about approaching the monkey. My bet is these monkeys are a hassle and aren’t afraid of humans. You see how quickly he lunged at the guy after he threw the shoe? This doesn’t strike me as animal cruelty at all, actually. I bet it would’ve been just as ugly if he approached and tried to ‘shoo’ him

Turkey also has NATO. Will be interesting to see the dynamics of this play out.

The main thing that has changed is economics. The efficiency of airliners has improved dramatically since the 1960s.

I maybe cheating the rules some, ok. I’ll used the Airbus A380 as an example.

It’s the least we can do. Considering all that the Pentagon gets wrong with Vets and other topics, they get this right. Maybe you would feel different if you had a family member or friend that died in a foreign land and never even had dignity or being returned home for closure. It is a hell that haunts many to this