Baber K. Khan

I don’t. The last thing we need is another car company that wants to do everything their way or not at all. It’s bad enough that Ford and GM are trying to bar people from servicing their own cars legally, Apple will just flat-out seal the whole thing up physically and create a fail-safe that disables the car if you

I mean this in all seriousness: How do you feel about people in foreign nations protesting the United States with acts like burning or stomping on flags? To my mind, it is the same principle as creating a depiction of Mohammed—denigrating something someone holds as sacred.

I bet that SWAT team was sad that a regular plain clothes cop got them both with a handgun. And kudos for the cop taking out two armored guys with rifles with a handgun.

they gotta protect a hate group from another hate group?

You cannot even begin to comprehend inherent value in human life. You not only disagree, you can’t even make the slightest step toward understanding, even rhetorically. You think there is such a time that a human life should be taken without reservation, doubt or remorse, and when that time comes, it can be recognized

Everything about this is just gross. And I mean everything. The contest, the attack, the injuries, the loss of life (always shitty even if justified), the near comically militarized police presence (but not really very funny in reality). It’s all disgusting. I almost want this story to disappear. Almost, because we

“Pictures coming out from the event, both before and after the shooting, show extremely well equipped soldiers draped in desert camouflage, hands-free communications gear, body armor and tactical chest rigs full of spare ammunition and expendables, along with tricked out AR-15 “

Wooooosh...over your head.

The Xenon thrusters will also tend to blind oncoming satellites, prompting them to flash their own thrusters in retaliation, which could potentially set off a “Space Rage” War.

Soft sand would explain why the Mustang driver’s expression is “Good move,” not “my beautiful car just ate a faceful of gravel and asphalt.” (Either that or the camera car took one for the team, there.)

I can’t believe I just read an entire article about the third row of seats in a car I will never own.


You are correct, Iran is a Shia majority country, and they have traditionally not gotten along well with any Sunni majority country. That said, no wanted Pakistan or India to have nuclear capabilities, but they have it today, so maybe it is only a matter of time before the Iranians have their tests. Pakistan has a lot

This might be one of the first internet videos I've sat through in entirety. It's... it's beautiful. It's also made me want to see Dubai, which was never really on my list.

It's yellow, like this one.

The E1 never runs out of charge.

I thought it was hilarious, was watching listening to them talking about the great cars and was like..yeah, are you going to get to the fact that they now make complete shit for cars? and they did, haha.

And then I'd sit them down, and I'd look them directly in the face, and I'd spit on them.