Randall Park (very first sentence, ninja edit then delete this comment if you’d like)
Randall Park (very first sentence, ninja edit then delete this comment if you’d like)
Sorry, I meant from the E! commentators, not by the attendees.
I’m no psychologist, but I definitely see and agree with your point. I could easily see a mom who may have had previous underlying issues/low-self esteem having a greater risk of PPD when you factor in being criticized/feeling more pressure about ‘how good of a mother they are’. And I can see it rising even more with…
All of this. This happened to me, 12 weeks of trying to feed a baby who wouldn’t latch/fell asleep trying, seeing numerous lactation consultants and following ridiculous plans that left me with maximum 30 mins sleep at a time. Finally after being hospitalised with PPD a nurse said ‘you know, you could stop doing this’…
There are also generations upon generations of adopted babies that got by just fine on formula as well. And yeah, I was born in the early 70s, but growing up in the 80s? I don’t remember anyone breastfeeding, and by the late 80s I was babysitting a lot of infants and newborns, I fed a lot of kids formula.
Exactly. And there are very few discussions from the other side of the “boob”.
I mean, it’s more money than I have, but if you’d have asked me how much it would cost I’d have guessed much more.
This! I will probably never have children, but if I did, I’d research the best formula and _have it in the house before the baby came_ even though i’d most likely want to breastfeed. In the event that I couldn’t, or something was going wrong, etc - wouldn’t you want to be prepared to feed your kid?
That narrative is everywhere, and it’s so damaging. I had a ton of trouble with my first kiddo, and we ended up supplementing to the point that the breastfeeding I did was essentially for show. Even knowing, intellectually, that she was absolutely fine with formula (healthy! happy! absolutely loved the stuff!), I…
Yep. It was my first, only baby. Luckily I had a big enough support system of old school moms to tell me that the internet ladies should be soundly ignored.
(1) Sleeping in the same room as the baby can mean worse sleep for you and the baby.
I did both and found bottle feeding way faster. My baby was pokey on the boob but a machine on a bottle. What is confusing to me though is that until he was at least 6 months old, I couldn’t have chosen to bottle feed over breast feed because my boobs would have been so sore I would have had to pump if I didn’t nurse.…
Because it’s hard and exhausting being a new mom, and new moms often sleep through a lot of shit because of how tiring it is. Having someone make sure you actually get up would be helpful.
Night nannies are definitely a thing. I had a friend who used one for a short period because sleep deprevation was fucking with her ability to function in the day. Maybe this person is a doula who night nannies for her clients in the weeks/months after their birth?
Uh, no. I don’t think Prachi was saying that at all. When it comes to ignorant online takes on some aspect of a POC’s culture, it’s usually white people who write them. Period. Not a big shocker. The author of this piece was black, but happened to be ignorant of aspects of Indian culture (not even going to touch…
Black writers/editors in media tend to be relatively cognizant of ignorant narratives around POC while many white writers/editors have not. We’re all capable of tripping up, especially when it comes to cultures that are totally out of our wheelhouse; clearly the writer behind the Cut piece is a good example of that. Bu…
I meant specifically comments on this couple in the many previous articles on them echoed some of the article’s talking points. Didn’t really mean it in a general way although I do think Jez definitely skews white.
I mean whether this relationship is real or not, it’s absurd to think that Priyanka is the one who *needs* Nick to become more famous. She’s a big fucking deal in India. And when I mean big I mean BIIIG. I mean the goddamn Prime Minister of the country attended her reception. And you best believe he didn’t do because…
Wow, I actually usually like Mariah Smith but this is so unbelievably out of bounds. Although it reflects a lot of comments on Jezebel.