
I’m in academia and I have no bloody idea why on earth these whites try to pretend to be black, particularly when I know a lot of BIPOC academics who have been blocked from appointments etc., because they are BIPOC.  

I had to dig out my kinja to log in and give you a star (which for some reason kinja is not doing for some reason, i assume has something to do with jim the herb spanfeller is an herb) because it is exactly like how you’ve described it. goddamnit reading some of these comments is making my blood boil. I know sometimes

I think you mean Randall Park.

Russell Park is also then repeated near the end of the review.... 

I had to find my login details because this was almost EXACTLY the kitchen in my home growing up!! both the countertop AND the cupboards, AND the mint green walls lol

Ugh thank you!  I’m a grey so I’m glad a non-grey was able to point it out.

That’s not Chadwick tho :(

Just FYI that’s not Chadwick Boseman with Lena Waithe!!!  

Man, some of the comments in this... is ... unsurprising.

I mean I personally don’t even think it needs to come externally. I think some women have certain expectations about motherhood, and if those are not met, for whatever reason (usually reasons not within their control), a self-imposed sense of inadequacy and failure can spur on PPD.  I use the term self-imposed because

Just an addendum because I was thinking about it more, I think another example of maybe non-chemically induced depression would be bullying, particularly in schools. Again, I’m not a psychologist.

I mean, I don’t think PPD comes on because of breastfeeding shame alone, I didn’t mean to sound like I did, apologies. But I do think the shame can exacerbate the PPD, and I only say this because it’s what’s happening to some people I know now. The shame isn’t just about someone saying something mean - it can preconcep

craaaazy.  i mean if ya can afford it then i hear it’s worth it!

i mean, same.

I love that he pretended to be writing an article. There really needs to be more actually credible information that’s easily accessible out there, instead of anyone with half a thought writing up a billion blogs on it.

omg yes that girl needs new friends. Like, are they really friends if you have to go to that extent to get their approval? Shouldn’t friends support you no matter what??

That’s a lot of money for sure, but I know friends whose night nurses don’t cost that much. Actually now that I think about it, maybe it does, but few people I know have night doulas for 6 months. Most I know is hire them for a few weeks. Maybe that’s more what I was getting at - so they are expensive but you don’t

One of my best friends currently is having major issues with breastfeeding and preparing a bottle is actually much faster and easier for her. It might just depend on the situation.

Amazing daughter! I don’t understand the need to shame other mothers, particularly new mothers (new in the sense of just had a baby, but also new as in first child) who are already fraught with so much emotion and hormones etc.. 

I have a few friends who call it breastfeeding when she pumps and gives the breastmilk to her newborn, which is why I made the assertion. But I’m certainly not saying it can’t be a name mix-up, I’m just saying I also know some people call pumped breastmilk in a bottle breastfeeding. Maybe it’s a regional or