
I hope you have a better bank account than me.

It might not be triggering, but it completely CAN increase anxiety for someone who might be or is infertile and very much wants a child. That doesn’t mean people shouldn’t talk about pregnancies, they should. But that also doesn’t mean that when people do talk about it, others who might have a hard time with it

You are not a bad feminist for not liking Dunham.

As someone who is currently trying to get pregs and is currently very. much. not. pregs, I COSIGN EVERYTHING IN THIS! It seems like everywhere I turn, every goddamn person is knocked up or has just popped one out within the last 2 months. One woman had TWO STROLLERS. I’m very happy for her but I also want to claw

Are you me?

Not just teenage minds...

Oh man I don’t even know who’s on my list, but I will have to revisit this sooner than later.... I wouldn’t actually go up to Scotland, but maybe if he decides to come down my way... and possibly jump into my bed....

Wait, he’s in Scotland now?! So I all I have to do is get on the National Rail.... My partner won’t mind right?! RIGHT?!

Wait, which guy?

I tend to feel/think the same.

You know, you say that, but the amount of people out there, especially at a younger age (aka not at the old cynical age I currently am), have this illusion that they might be the one to change someone from their ways. It wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibilities that the women he dates might actually think they

Wait, the best of the Chrises!? I mean be whatever you want man, but also preferably whatever it is that gets you into my bed...

This is actually the only reason I was voting Baba Yaga don’t judge me!

You need to t-shirt this and STAT!

Yes, was going to say the same. It’s not like I went into LOTR wondering if Frodo actually KEEPS the ring. “Will Boromir survive all the arrows this time?! Maybe Gandalf is lost forever!”

+1 rain on your wedding day

Cool, good to know! I have the Rihanna Viva Glam and I still use it regularly! So good, will have to check out Nicki’s stuff.

I’ve definitely smoked and freaked out, and I’ve had roommates who’ve smoked and freaked out (usually when they’re starting out). It certainly does affect people differently, and not everyone has to smoke (or ingest) a lot in order to get hit hard. But good on ya for having positive experiences! None of my bad

Yeah, that’s what I thought too. At first I thought it was going to be unintentional, like someone’s stash got mixed up with the props but the intentionality of it is disturbing.

You should read the thread Hahayoufool started where everyone talks about their weed freakouts. That’s cool that you’ve never freaked out from weed, but it actually happens a lot - both smoking it and ingesting it. I’ve freaked out from both ways myself.