
I used to be a fan of Adbusters magazine, back in my uni days (because, obviously), but it always struck me how expensive the magazine became , esp when it started becoming quite successful, and when I could barely afford food, I wasn’t going to buy magazines, especially when their stance was so anti-commercialism.

SAME! My first thought reading the headline was “Cam is married!? To him?!” But he seems like a good guy, and isn’t Cameron Diaz generally linked to major assholes (?) so I’m really happy for her, as happy as someone can be for another totally random stranger.

Really, we should just get rid of the whole prefix thing and in formal situations just use last names, like in old cop shows, or the X-files. BE MY MULDER!

Disclaimer, I can’t watch the video yet because I’m at work, but just based on the muted visual, I’m always conflicted with things like this (the fashion, not the matchmaking). On one hand, I’m like, girl you do you! Dress however makes you happy, IDGAF! Yas, etc.. I really like a lot of her clothes. On the other

I don’t see a difference...

This is nothing, and I’m only writing it because the internet: I know it’s not wrong to write TFF but being a (now former) Torontonian, it’s just weird reading it without the I (aka TIFF). 

She might not have known (aka read the fine print) but she might have known and not cared. I knew I shouldn’t mix my cray pills with alcohol, but I did anyway. 

Young Dean Cain was EVERYONE’S JAM. I watched the new adventures solely for him.

As a Jezzie, I’ve been waiting for a crosspost ALL DAY! Come oooon!

As a south Asian, I agree, but as a woman, I’d love me some James Kyson Lee.... 

OMG I never thought of that!!!


Honestly, the sites all bleed into one for me nowadays.

As an aside, how are you grey??

skintight, black, boot-cut pants with a zipper in the back.

Oh yes, it does seem more pink than orange doesn’t it. Honestly, in my mind Aperol was more pinkish.... I don’t know what that says about my state of mine whilst drinking....

I mean, I always want one.

It looks more like an Aperol spritz than rose, which you’re supposed to have with ice.

This is much much better, keep doing God’s work.

I mean, if Bannon’s goons were to “protect” Cheezits, other issues aside, at least they probably won’t be paid with taxpayer money... They’d have to be paid by Bannon or out of Trump’s own pocket. What am I saying, he’d issue some executive order to somehow get them paid by the Treasury dept.