
I’m reminded of the time Reddit stalked a day care center because they believed it was a front for arms trafficking.

Yeah, I’ve eaten at Comet Ping Pong many times and had intended to go eat there again to support it. I don’t think I can anymore, and I kind of think this is going to be it for the restaurant. It’ll go out of business pretty soon because of this.

Rivera was going to send an email to Adam Schefter announcing the punishment, but he couldn’t find his laptop.

But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.

“California allows it.”

These are people who don’t care about facts. Even when they’re given the truth they look at it, toss it over their shoulder and keep arguing their nonsensical point.

The Daily Show under Jon Stewart featured stories with out-and-out Klansmen, but it presented them as objects of ridicule and wholly deserving of scorn. Trevor Noah just had a white supremacist come on to talk about how white supremacism is required to have “diversity of thought.” He is bringing her repugnant,

Best take away: “I don’t see color.”

I am a millennial and I am deeply offended by thi..... Damnit.

Goddamn, how many things will I have to boycott. Trump is not making this easy.

Dude you are wrong from the very first sentence to the very last.

No. I am part German, and I can tell you with whatever authority that fact grants me that the Nazis were just people, not some supernatural evil incarnate. And for many of us it is still quite personal and relevant: I still have a few living relatives who were in the Hitler Youth as young children. Hitler wasn’t a

But don’t pray too hard...I announced on Facebook that my grandfather was in the hospital, battling cancer; so many people prayed for him that he got super strong and ended up destroying like half the hospital wing. It took 9 horse tranquilizers to bring him down, it was awful.

If Asthma was personified, it’d look like him.

“Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. The last survey I saw”

Consider how the second phrase flows from the first.

this reaction to this joke is why democrats lost the election

Its really odd considering all their other siblings are named George Foreman.

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

You Shitti Farty Dirty Nasty Jude Bitch!

“That’s not a crime, that’s TEAMWORK!!”