
“My carbohydrate and sugar laden breakfast is slowing me down, I’m turning to raw meat” is such a social media thing to do.

Dipshits gotta be dipshittin, I guess.

This strip from the New Yorker is, once again, timely as ever.

Noted E! Online impresario Scott Robson has nothing but a track record of success! I, for one, can’t wait for Robson to transform The AV Club into a media juggernaut like he did with Yahoo! Entertainment and AOL Moviefone.

Nah, it’s the fault of their corporate overlords. The writers produce what they’re paid to produce and no more. Bosses aren't incentivizing anything better.

Wait a minute, just wait a goddamn minute here.

I feel like a lot of her popularity vs other, sonically interchangeable celebs is due to the fact she/her marketing team have successfully pulled a Walt Disney Co/Elon Musk/Jim Jones and tricked her listeners into identifying spiritually with her insipid music. Hence the toxic backlash from her fandom every time she

I can’t speak for her early work and I can’t speak for her non-single tracks, but her pop songs sound interchangeable with other pop stars songs. She wrote as much of a song like Bad Blood as Katy Perry wrote of any of her hits.

just like with other “recycling” articles, why is the focus not more on finding a more biodegradable or reusable option and cycling out the uber-cheap and non-reusable Styrofoam? We can ask individuals to “reduce, reuse, recycle” until we are blue in the face, but as long as these single-use and non-environmentally

CoD on Game Pass will save me the once-annual trip to GameStop to pick up a used copy of whatever the most recent one is for like $9 so I can play the campaign once and never think about it again.

Kurtzmann thinking “Hey, let’s have them ACTUALLY fall to Earth” is the level of sophistication we’re dealing with here. Definitely not Tevis, Roeg, or Bowie, and The Man Who Fell To Earth IS Tevis, Roeg, and Bowie. 

This seems like an original IP that they just slapped the “The Man Who Fell to Earth” title onto because Alex Kurtzman can’t make anything that doesn’t sully the name of someone else’s superior work.

The way things are going, I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be Bill Cosby.

The fact that it looks like a Simpson’s butthole has to factor into the decision too.

I mean, Rust...

It has to be a robot skeleton actually flirting with him.

Now playing

This will go over like a lead balloon but in a universe where a particular someone wasn’t a complete dirtbag he’d make a great host:

I am prepared to do my duty

I am a Rogers customer, so I have experienced their reliable serv

I’ve heard of people doing this for various purposes. Sewing, wood work, anything where having a measure quick to hand seems useful.

Apparently had tattoos fade and stretch so fast it just becomes useless in a few years.