I’m assuming this refers to the fact that P5R included all the DLC of the original P5 when it released on PS4, and probably not all of the new DLC for Royal.
I’m assuming this refers to the fact that P5R included all the DLC of the original P5 when it released on PS4, and probably not all of the new DLC for Royal.
Yeah while this Kipman guy definitely comes off as a tool, I think calling that “porn” is a bit much, only people I can see doing that are Tipper Gore-esque moral guardians.
Yeah but ALL of the CBS sale was so that the site didn’t get shut down because Whiskey Media was running out of money.
Yeah....it’s no where near as simple as you’re making it. Particularly in an industry like video games, I imagine there was a point where the GB crew couldn’t really do this on their own. Particularly if they want to maintain access, be able to get good equipment, and to pay people.
I watched Jeff’s stream as it happened and Am listening to the Bombcast now. I think it’s probably similar to some of the things that Vinny spoke about in his MinnMax interview, that at a certain point there is a chaffing with management, even if you are technically part of management. That they are theoretically…
Its kinda sad that Giant Bomb was started so Jeff and his friends wouldnt have to worry about corporation interference after he was fired from Gamespot and after 14 years they just did a full circle and went back to being stuck with corporation interference.
So, somehow, it was wrong for consumers to take advantage of sales? And you talk about having 8 years of Plus piled up, but that’s also Sony’s fault. Microsoft has a 3 year cap. Which is the smart way to operate since you don’t run into situations like this. Everything about this situation is Sony’s fault and they…
In their defense Microsoft allowed, and still does, users to stack gold (up to 3 years max) and then upgrade it all for only $1. So there is already precedent in the market for this just being a part of the deal to get players to initially sign up (after converting then you only get the prorated amounts based on…
Nobody reports that AVClub is better than that. lol
Irregardless. (jk, I just felt like the original incorrect term deserved recognition here if someone was going to write “unregardless”)
I mean, Scott Pilgrim vs The World did a version of this in 2010 so if anything Sword Of Symphony copied that. Of course, Scott Pilgrim isn’t the first to showcase a musical fight scene either.
Did the editors “request” the inclusion of race in this story?
To be clear, if this developer is just garnering press any way he can, then more power to him. I’ve never tried to promote an independent video game before but I’m sure it’s hard as hell. Any trick you can use is fair in my book.
Jeremy Winslow...ok, well that’s a name I’ll now endeavor not to click on articles written by because this is some sensationalist nonsense where the creator’s race isn’t even a factor in this nonstory.
If you were a fan of comics and animation, you would have seen variations of it a dozen times or more. The only thing that made the Doctor Strange scene fun was seeing something so silly in live action.
I know there’s a GIANT history of rich/big-name white creators stealing from smaller black creators, but this doesn’t seem like a case where that has to be in the goddamn title. It feels like rage bait.
*sigh* It’s claims like this that undermine legitimate complaints of artistic theft.
Having seen the film...no