
Come on Deadspin why even publish this? Is it not obvious to anyone but me how hard Darren is faking this shit? For some reason the dude thinks it’s charming and endearing how bad he is, but he’s faking. Sorry, no one moves like that without doing it on purpose for viral fame.

Moda Center, not Rose Garden.

It seems like you came up with your strange definition of sports for the sole purpose of excluding golf as a sport. No one else thinks that impeding your opponent should be part of the definition, and everyone thinks golf is a sport. Two golfers competing against each other on the same course in the same group do

People are so accustomed to arguing if things like poker, cheerleading, golf, darts, etc count as sports that they think they are raising the same question when they pit Esports vs Sports. If you want to include videogames in that list, that was once a legitimate question. But once competitive videogames became

This a meaningless exercise. You’re trying to argue if VIDEOGAMES are sports, which isn’t the question at hand. The question was if Esports count as sports. People are asking and answering different things

This should be framed with a different question: “Are videogames sports?” The answer to that question is “No, videogames are not sports, they are esports.” People seem to forget that “esports” is already the answer to that question, so reusing that term to question if esports are sports is superfluous. The term was

Well, why does this question even exist? They aren’t sports because the “e” modifier at the beginning is exactly that, a modifier to the word that follows it. It would be like asking “does email count as mail??” The answer to that question is of course yes, it is an electronic version of mail. In that vein, esports