
bigots for singing along to a song? lol get the fuck out of here.

wait so... they’re just singing along with rap lyrics? And we’re outraged why?

20-30 seconds? Seriously?? Ain’t nobody got time for dat.

Come on Deadspin why even publish this? Is it not obvious to anyone but me how hard Darren is faking this shit? For some reason the dude thinks it’s charming and endearing how bad he is, but he’s faking. Sorry, no one moves like that without doing it on purpose for viral fame.

Compensation is NOT proportional to how hard a job is, it’s proportional to how rare the skill set is. Obviously the janitor works “harder” than the CEO, but anyone can be a fuckin janitor.

if you think you’re making a strong point you are mistaken. there is no reason for Deadspin to hold on to the old name.

I live in Portland and I believe a sports blog should call stadiums what they’re actually called.

The name of the stadium is the name of the stadium. Can’t just call it whatever you want.

Moda Center, not Rose Garden.

Maybe talk about the Nurkic block in the 4th quarter, the one that was called a foul but in reality was perfectly clean. Completely embarrassed Giannis, it was magnificent.

Lol you got suckered into an argument no one is having. Stop arguing if videogames are “sports.”

This ^

Correct, videogames aren’t sports, they are esports

You misread the question. The question you’re seemingly answered is “are videogames sports?” That wasn’t the question asked.

Right, it’s an esport.

It seems like you came up with your strange definition of sports for the sole purpose of excluding golf as a sport. No one else thinks that impeding your opponent should be part of the definition, and everyone thinks golf is a sport. Two golfers competing against each other on the same course in the same group do

People are so accustomed to arguing if things like poker, cheerleading, golf, darts, etc count as sports that they think they are raising the same question when they pit Esports vs Sports. If you want to include videogames in that list, that was once a legitimate question. But once competitive videogames became

You’ve fallen into the trap of answering a question that doesn’t need to be answered. The term esports exists in our lexicon, so nothing wrong with using it to describe competitive videogames. The ship has sailed on having them labeled as sports.

I can’t even disagree with most of what you are saying. But it sounds like your main gripe is that the term “esports” even exists in the first place? You think it’s redundant since competitive videogames should simply qualify as sports as the term currently exists?

This a meaningless exercise. You’re trying to argue if VIDEOGAMES are sports, which isn’t the question at hand. The question was if Esports count as sports. People are asking and answering different things