Tomorrow Torre is going to suspend and formally reprimand Kent Hrbek for dragging Ron Gant off first base.
Tomorrow Torre is going to suspend and formally reprimand Kent Hrbek for dragging Ron Gant off first base.
That looks like a pass I would have made in Gran Turismo, but I still think it’s sick. Not many rules in rallycross, makes for some great racing.
nb4 “We hit into triple plays the right way.”
Woohoo! Go Internet Go!
Forethought generally doesn’t play much of a role in a Maserati purchase.
I don’t care how good it sounds or how fast it goes as long as it has that HIDEOUS front bumper.
What’s not to love when your car has the face of a split pomegranate?
Yo cool guys,
Infinite Grover is my 7-seed UCONN winner. Calling it right now.
Or "A dude got RUN over at the 12 hours of Sebring"!
I think I've almost talked my kid into "maybe just you and (kid's best friend) want to go to nice resort water park place instead of having a big birthday party this year?" The suspense is KILLING me.
Great stuff as usual but it's adorable to think you can invite people two months in advance AND ALSO invite your 6 year old kid's best friends...
I'm a San Diegan who could care less if this team moves. I've grown so tired of the whining and threats and I have no more f@&ks to give. We go through constant blackout threats every season and constantly shit our bed in the playoffs. We all know San Diego has far better things to spend our money on and that the…
It has nothing to do with civic pride. People here are tired of being chumps to support a sleazy owner and snake oil shakedown salesman politicians who have fucked them in the past.
I think they should not only share a stadium (like Giants/Jets), but play games at the same time. Like, a really big field - on field A, Chargers play the Broncos. Right next to them the Raiders play Chiefs. Everyone would watch.
I feel like there has to be a happy medium for LA in between having two franchises and having zero franchises.
Pretty wacky amount of attention, but it warms my heart to see a ton of young people so excited about a car. BTW, dig the Merc wagon in the background.